Tag Archives: Psychopath

It’s always been a grift…

Well…damn, I have been laughing my butt off the past couple of days with what has been going on with the repubs and their war with the idiot trump…a a steady stream of those morons have been heading to the tacky HQ in Florida and kissing idiot boy’s butt for some reason when they could have kicked him to the curb after he instigated the attack on the capitol and was impeached for it…but no, for some damn unfathomable reason almost every one of the repubs is cowering from idiot boy and won’t say a word against him…and what is their reward for embarassing themselves to the world? Just the other day the grifter in chief sent a cease and disist letter to all of the repub organizations trying to raise money for other candidates and told them to stop using his name and likeness on their fundraising letters and e-mails…and the last bit of evidence that politics to idiot boy is just a grift, he then sent out a letter of his own to his cult-like followers to only give money to his super pac, not to any repubs but just his grift organization where he can control the money and use it to attack his perceived enemies while he skims of millions for himself since he is almost broke. It does make me laugh that nothing that the rest of the repubs do to kiss his ass is enough for idiot boy…it’s just his psychopathic need to hurt and control people that the repubs are falling for…geez, don’t they have any self respect? Yeah, we all know the answer to that question…nope…

“It is what it is”

Well….hey everybody in the US, if you didn’t know that the idiot trump is a psychopath, just listen to his response about the thousand people still dying every damn day by his incompetence and stupidity…when idiot boy tried to assert that deaths from the virus are going way, way down since he is doing a great job, the interviewer pressed him that there are still over a thousand people a day dying…and after trying to bluster his way through with more lies, the interviewer wouldn’t let him and trump’s response to the deaths was “it is was it is”…dismissing even the idea that a thousand Americans dying every day is something he should be concerned with…that is the definition of a psychopath and yet the repubs do nothing….and now with idiot boy’s push to re-open the schools across the country even with the virus raging through 36 states that are still seeing increases in cases and deaths, the psychopathic behavior continues along with the lies he continues to spout that children are “immune” to the virus so it’s just fine to send them to school…no matter that these kids will bring that virus home to their families and kill many of them…trump just doesn’t care. It is just sick that the repub standard of behavior has changed so much that they support a murderer in the WH…what about the tan suit Obama wore…impeach him! God I hate every damn one of them…

I think Dick Cheney is a psychopath..

Well…have been reading about the torture report and ole Dick’s reaction to it and the only thing I can say is I think Dick Cheney is a psychopath. If you look at the definition, which includes amorality, extreme egocentricity, and the inability to learn from experience, you see that old Dick has these traits in spades but he also has no feeling for the suffering of others; he actually revels in the suffering of others. I can imagine him sitting in the vp’s residence every night with that day’s torture tapes just salivating and wishing he was there in person…and getting turned on by the suffering he is inflicting by proxy…just like the killer in the tv show “The Following” with Kevin Bacon where he used other people to do his dirty work…I wonder if that makes ole Dick a serial killer by proxy…using the hands of the government instead of his own to do his killing for him…what a terrible human being…geez…