Category Archives: Misc

Never follow a Buick….

Well….haven’t worked up any outrage today but I do have some observations that I have been nurturing for a while….something that has been congealing is the the idea that when you pull up to stoplight, never get in line behind a Buick if you can help it. Invariably, it will be in the left lane and will take off like there is the last egg of an endangered species under the gas pedal; forcing everyone to pass on the right since the people that own Buicks think that speed limits are never to be broken…or even equaled for that matter, and they get special points in heaven if they go 10 to 15 under. Today, I pulled up to a light with the Hobson’s choice of a huge dump truck in the right lane and a Buick in the left but the two-fer was the Buick also had handicapped plates on it…never a good sign and when the light changed, the truck handily outran the Buick even though its top speed was about 25. Geez…

What’s wrong with us?

I can’t believe what happened today…when a man goes crazy and kills 12 people in England and the majority of comments come from idiots that want to promote their gun-owning agendas….where are their hearts for the victims and their families? I am so disgusted with people that will use any tragedy to try to make a point that I grieve for the human race in general if that is what we have to look forward to….all I can do is apologize to those families…forgive the Americans…we are not all callous idiots…..

Stupid Drivers….

Well…it happened again this morning, another idiot almost ran me down making a right turn while I was crossing the street (yes, with the light). What the hell is with people these days? Doesn’t anyone pay attention to anything but themselves? But it’s not even confined to me trying to cross the street…I was coming home from one of the hockey games last week and this moron in a work truck is going 62 in the left lane of southbound 131 where the limit is 70. To compound that he was marking the car next to him so they had essentially set up a rolling roadblock with 25 to 30 cars stacked up behind him forcing the people who wanted to go faster to pass all the way to the right lane. Keep right except to pass you idiots! I can understand road rage when this crap happens. And, put the phones down and drive…geez.

Global warming must be fake…

Well…a day in the second week of May with a windchill? I can’t remember that happening in a long time, maybe ever. So, the logical conclusion that I have to draw is that, by my observation, global warming is a fake. After all, it snowed in New England this winter and they had the largest one-day snowfall on record in DC.

So I say to all those scientists that have spent their lives trying to figure out our climate, tough luck, you wasted your life. The repubs are right again…as they always are. Yea..go troglodytes! Geez…

It’s religion again

Well….I’ve been advised by friends to stay away from this topic (thank you G) but how can I when I feel that religion is the cause of much of the strife that occurs in the world today. The latest outrage is Matt Stone and Trey Parker getting death threats for a South Park episode that portrayed Muhammad in a bear suit (and it was actually Santa). You have got to be kidding me…then, Comedy Central censors that episode giving the Islamic terrorists, yep, I called them terrorists, just what they wanted! We let those idiots have their free speech, first amendment rights to threaten people and then CC folds up and won’t express their own. This is not an Islamic republic or monarchy or theocracy and the Islamic world has got to get used to it. I’ve really had enough of any and all religions trying to tell me how to live…and I don’t see any difference between these Islamic idiots and the Christian idiots like Sara Palin…stay the hell out of our lives! Geez….

Friday and the DSL is down again

Well….it’s Friday morning and I find myself out at Kava house (a local coffee shop) writing this since the dsl at my place is down again. I think it’s down more than it’s up and it is getting to be a pain. Was going to go out golfing today but now I have to stay home to wait for the repairs to happen, unless it miraculously fixed itself while I was grocery shopping. I know…this one is kind of mundane but I am having problems working up any outrage about anything today. The Wings do play tonight but it is a 10 pm game so the result will be the same as last time I expect…I may make it to the first but probably won’t remember anything about it. Oh, well….

texting, driving, and the police

There’s been an interesting development here in Michigan in regard to texting while driving. There are bills in the legislature that, with the urging of many police departments, would make texting while driving a primary offense; meaning that the police could pull over any motorist if they suspect they are texting. Does anyone else see the potential for abuse here? It’s the same old dodge they have been using for years, similar to “you have a burnt out taillight” or a similar car has been used in a crime, that has led many overzealous officials down the path of gutting the 4th amendments protections against illegal search. Fortunately, at least at this early date, there will still be a requirement to get a warrant to actually look at the device in question. But a police chief quoted in today’s “Detroit News” has said that his officers will be instructed to ask to look at every phone and I fear that most people will not know that it is their right to refuse. Now, don’t get me wrong, being a police officer is many times a thankless, dangerous job, and I support them when they follow the rules like you and I have to, and I agree distracted driving is a problem that needs to be solved. But to give the police the power to pull over any motorist that they suspect may be texting (how about all Fords that have Sync installed) is too large of an intrusion given that the number of accidents in most of the country are declining. Just my opinion…

The First One

I’ve found that it is much easier to talk about writing daily than it is to do it, but I have some things to say and will be saying them as regularly as possible. Most topics will be fair game and will include politics, sports, and periodic posts of the new novel as I get the pages done. And, of course, the musings on life that come from having a long one but one that is still confusing at times.

One of the first things I want to say is thanks to my son, Jameson, for getting this whole thing up and running…but I am waiting for his call since it’s been an hour and I can’t remember some of the functions that I need to be able to use. It’s not that I’m computer illiterate, but you know how it is when you get a new piece of software? It usually takes a while until the thing is second nature…

well….that’s enough for now….the Red Wings are playing and are behind so I think I’ll go watch some…