Well…I am quite surprised…no, not really, about a new tape that came out today about ole Mitt where he was talking to some of his rich buddies on the reasons why he lost the election…you know what the reason really was, in ole Mitt’s mind anyway? It was the “gifts” he gave to minorities, women, and the young….yep, ole Mitt still believes what he said in the “47%” tape…and that is that people will vote for the president because they get “things” from him. Like the young being able to stay on their parents insurance…like women being able to control their own bodies, and minorities being respected for the human beings they are; not pawns to be used in political campaigns to be ignored once the election is over. What a piece of crap ole Mitt is…I hope that Obama ignores this idiot and the cynical, stupid ideas he espouses…he has no place at the table in modern America…geez…
Monthly Archives: November 2012
November 14th
Well…it was a day yesterday and I got a bunch of stuff done around here and I was really, really good last night so I should feel better than I do…this must be the residual of the bug I’ve had for three weeks now since I am still coughing…but three weeks? That points me to allergies but with it being so cold, how can that be? Oh, well…slept okay last night and I am liking the ear plugs that I have been using for the past few days…seem to sleep better, still toss and turn all night but it seems to be less than before…I do need to continue the cleaning today and go out for groceries for the t-day meal since the turkey will take at least 4 or 5 days to thaw and I don’t want to have it icy when it goes in the brine next wed…..so, I am going to get moving…well…back to the couch for a few and then start the car to warm up since it looks like an ice block…
Boycott Papa John’s…
Well…the craziness continues on the right with their loss in the election and the latest ceo to take it out on his employees is the idiot that owns Papa John’s pizza….his is so crazy about the election that he has said that he will cut the hours of all of his employees to make them part time so he doesn’t have to offer health care under Obamacare….saying that it will bankrupt his company if he doesn’t…this is just more crap in the war on workers where these out of touch rich idiots….especially this one who lives in a 45,000 square foot house with a garage that holds over 20 cars, use the election to throw a hissy fit since their outdated ideas were soundly rejected by the country. Let’s set the record straight…offering health care for all of his employees would only cost about 5 million dollars a year…this, from a company whose NET profits will reach close to 60 million dollars this year…so, just another lie from a smug, privileged 1% er who only cares about more and more for himself. So, I call for a boycott of Papa John’s until this idiot turns into a human being and does the right thing…I’ll never buy another pizza from them….geez…
November 13th
Well…up early again today…5 am came way too quickly this morning but I think I may have slept okay since I did have dreams that included Bill Clinton and lots of people that I used to work with…still really tired but at least the sore throat is almost gone and maybe I’ll feel better later today…there is snow on the ground this morning and I may have to start thinking about putting the winter tires on the car but I don’t want to admit that winter is coming….I did get the chance to see T for a few minutes yesterday and that was nice but too short…I can’t believe how busy she is….not much to do today… I am going to clean and write some but that is about it…I really do miss having the Red Wings playing since that always took my mind of the world for a couple of hours…
The secessionist nonsense…
Well…are the republicans crazy or what? In 15 states that are majority repubs, there are movements to petition the federal government to secede from the US….yep, you heard it here, just because they lost an election to the socialist Kenyan, these idiots want to leave the union and establish their own little countries…and, the funny thing is, all of these states are net welfare queens, getting much more back from the federal government than they pay in taxes. So, I guess I say let them secede…it would make the blue states that support them much more solvent and we could then afford college for everyone, healthcare for everyone, and balanced budgets for everyone in the new Progressive States of America. What these idiots are also not seeing is the fact that if they do secede, say goodbye to social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the entire social safety net that the majority of the red state citizens depend on….so, goodbye, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out…geez…
November 12th
Well…just getting ready to have my coffee and read the papers but thought I’d do this first…it was an okay day yesterday and I think it was the last one that will be warm enough to go out on the bike in a t-shirt…the car is still giving me problems and it looks like I’ll have to take it in…oh, well…it is going to be a no cocktail week this week and starting with last night, I am starting to feel okay…the bug is finally starting to leave me alone and my throat is not as sore as it was so that is okay…alright, am going to have my coffee before it gets cold…back later for more…
What a bunch of crybabies…
Well…I just have to laugh at the ceo’s on the right who have threatened to fire their employees and in some cases have started to lay them off after the Obama win…let’s not forget that these guys have done much better in the last 4 years of Obama than the previous 8 under ole GW, with corp profits at an all time high last year. So, this appears to me to just be a temper tantrum of the spoiled rich and they are mad that their employees didn’t listen to them, that they don’t have the power that the right has been telling them they have. I specifically want to address the meme that it is over taxation and regulation that is causing these layoffs, especially since it is the new talking point that the right has taken up and has used Murray energy as the poster boy…you remember Murray Energy don’t you? It is the coal company that has so little regard for the safety of it’s workers that it regularly kills some of them….and now the owner has started to lay off his miners, saying it is because of the Obama administration’s hatred of coal. This even made me laugh more since it is the free market that the repubs say they worship that is killing the demand for coal with the collapse of natural gas prices due to increased drilling and new methods of extraction. So, what should a company do to meet it’s energy needs? Continue to pay 40% more in cost as corporate welfare to the coal companies? These guys are just so pathetic that I can’t believe it…yeah, I can…just a bunch of crybabies that have been taught the country belongs to them and the rest of use might be allowed to live in it if it is okay with them…not anymore…geez…
November 11th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and it was good to see one of my boys last night for a while…I think I may finally be getting over the bug that has plagued me for the past two weeks but I probably shouldn’t speak too soon…my throat is still a little sore and we’ll see how the energy levels go as the day goes on…I may be going out to shoot pool later today and I do need to get a bike ride in this morning…I made some venison tacos yesterday and they were pretty good…the venison has kind of a sweet taste that is mostly covered by the taco seasonings so that was good…not that big of a fan of venison but this was okay…we’ll see how it translates into leftovers….more later…
Number 2,000…
Well…things are going to be out of synch today since I wanted to get to number 2,000 in a stand alone, not part of the daily life update…and, I think this one will be quite a long one as I add to it as the day goes on…2,000 of these things…kind of hard to wrap my head around and I guess it means I’ve been persistent, if nothing else…but I guess that means that I should take stock in how things have changed over the 3 years I’ve been doing this…and, the thing is, it hasn’t…still looking for work, still getting older, still riding the bike and still trying to figure out what life is about as I age…the problem is I don’t have any answers at all…but it’s not as if I haven’t been looking for them….oh, well…just have to keep going forward…what else can you do?
November 10th
Well…it’s after nine and I still haven’t had my coffee yet…found the first version of “The Maltese Falcon” on TCM this morning and had to watch it…which put me a good hour behind but I think I need to get over having to have a schedule every day and just let a few of them just go by and see what happens…I did get the chance to get out and have a couple with C, D, and S last night and it was good to see anyone…I did miss having K come out but plans change…not much to do today…I do need to get moving so I can get out on the bike before the Michigan game comes on at noon…so that means I have about a half hour to read the papers…more later…
One last thing…just checked and the next one will be number 2,000 of these…so I guess I’ll have to do something special…