Well…running really late today and I have a reason today…had a bunch of forms to fill out for a recruiter that may be finding me a job so I guess that is a good use for the time…I di have a good day yesterday with getting this place cleaned up and then having my son come over to watch the Wings game…that we won in overtime…yay! I was good last night but stayed up really late since the game went late and then I couldn’t sleep. There were dreams of the Miata not starting and I do need to stop reading the forums out there…I do think I need to bleed the clutch with that one incidence of the pedal going to the floor and check for leaks although the cylinder is full…I am getting excited about trying out my new handgrips on the bike so I’m going to go do that now…more later…
Well…have been working around here all day to make the place presentable since my son and his girlfriend are coming over to watch the Wings…and, the place really did need it so that’s okay….I did do a little work on the bike today…just got so tired of the grips being worn out and turning to jelly and having to keep pushing them back on all the time that I bought a new set today…a really cool set of gels that are supposedly ergonomically correct….put them on and they look pretty cool…and the neat thing was that Meijers had the ones that I have been looking at online and for the same price…so, we’ll see how they work when I get the ride in tomorrow….and, I bought some white lithium grease to see if that will help me get rid of the squeak in the seat post…that is annoying as hell….we’ll see….
Well…have been having little snippets of news percolate over the past few days and the result is finally clear…the repubs are officially nuts…this whole thing started with the NRA convention and the suggestion from one of the speakers that the best place to store your guns is in the kids room since that is the place you will run to when the big, bad boogieman breaks into your house…and that is going to happen next week so you better get to it….next, at the same convention of the delusional, we have another one of the “brains” there organizing an armed march on DC where he wants all of the “patriots” to bring their loaded assault rifles and march into the city to provoke an armed response so it will justify the “armed revolution” that these idiots just know is coming….and, this morning, I read of a poll that shows that more than 44% of repubs think that an armed revolution will be necessary in the next few years to protect their “liberties”…but not one of these abject morons could name one liberty that has been taken away….what the hell is it with these people? Are they just too stupid to know that all of this crap is just nonsense? I do hope these folks march on DC and every one of them is arrested…then they will have a felony on their records and can no longer own guns…crazy like this just shouldn’t be armed…geez…
Well…it was a day yesterday and I was completely lazy so I didn’t come back for another one and now I’m feeling guilty about that…and I have to clean this place up since my son and his girlfriend are coming over to watch the Wings game tonight and that should take all day….slept okay last night but the temp in here was marginal since I forgot to put the heat back on….probably should go out and get some snacks and beer for tonight but I need to work out first and get the bike ride in…so I probably should get to it…more later…
Well…it was a long day yesterday but I had some money come in so that perked me up a bit…it was a cocktail night that got out of hand so I feel a little crappy today…nope, a lot crappy so this one is going to be short for now….I do need to get out on the bike before Man U comes on at 10 but I just can’t get to enthused about it…slept okay but no dreams…okay…not feeling it….back later for more…
Okay…have started to feel normal for me so I thought I’d come back for a little more…there was a weird thing that happened this morning leaving for the ride…there was a stupid duck just standing in the middle of the road quacking at me, cars, and anything else that went by…kind of strange…I did get the ride in and felt much better afterward…and I made lunch and now the napcar race is on and that appears to be my only ambition for today..I do have an idea for another one so I may come back for it later…
Well…just haven’t been able to get outraged enough to do some political ones so I thought I’d just do this…again….out on the bike today early since it was over 60 at 9am and the weirdness was out in full force…just like last year, the squirrels are going crazy again and shooting themselves all over the trails…well..not with guns…although that would be cool to see…but they were blasting out of the underbrush and it looked like they were trying to get run over…I counted 22 of them in the 15 miles I did this morning and it gave me such a laugh that I am still laughing just thinking about it…I just can’t believe that it would be coincidence that so many of them would do that in one day…wonder if it’s a mating thing or something for spring? Whatever it is…it was fun to watch…
Well..as you can see…I didn’t come back for a second one yesterday…the brain just has not been working well enough to be able to write something that is up to the quality that I want…so, I didn’t do it…it was an okay day yesterday but this morning the clutch pedal started to do weird things and I think the cylinders may need to be replaced…hope not…worked okay coming back from Meijers but it got really soft pulling into the parking lot…just don’t want to work on it…slept okay last night but I am still a little worn out from the bug….I’m sure it’s not from the cocktail night last night…it is going to be a busy day today with races, the Kentucky Derby, the Wings and Dr. Who….yep a total slackers day so I do need to get out on the bike so the guilt is not overwhelming….more later…
Well…it was a really bad day yesterday…nothing happened but I felt like crap all day and it must have been a bug of some sort…still feel crappy today but I am going to get out on the bike in a few minutes anyway…yep, stupid but I just can’t stay in and not ride….slept okay last night with it being a cocktail night and there were dreams but I waited too long to do this so I don’t remember them…oh, well….didn’t get anything done except making chili but it came out good so I guess that will have to do…today looks like a low key kind of day, too…going to stay in low gear most of the day and just try to feel better….make some chicken thighs on the grill and try to eat something…food just doesn’t appeal to me right now and I know it’s part of feeling crappy but forcing food down is not the answer either….more later…
Well…just reading a little article about this crazy assed NH republican rep who has been leading the charge for the nuts on the right regarding the Boston bombings saying last week that it was an “inside job” done by the Obama administration to justify taking away all guns…yeah, I know…no reality here…but today, she went even more crazy trying to support her absolute nuttiness by saying that of course it was an inside job since in the the pictures of a guy with his legs blown off, he didn’t appear to be in shock or screaming in pain…so it must be an inside job! What the worst excuse for a human being this piece of crap is…oh, her name is Stella Tremblay…give her a call to let her know just how big of a piece of crap she is….geez…
Well…sitting here waiting for the coffee to finish so I thought I’d get to this one….it was an okay day yesterday and I did get a few things done…my brother stopped over to hang out for a while and brought beer….who sells beer in a nine-pack? That’s what he brought and I thought it was a little weird….did sleep okay last night…had weird dreams about the Miata and a 62 Chevy with a 409 in it that I was jumping with my car and when I went away for a few minutes, someone stole both cars and just left the battery from mine behind….weird….I did have a little revelation coming back from the ride yesterday….my neighbors Prius was parked next to my car and it looked like my car was gone until I got right next to it…when your car is much smaller than a Prius, you know it pretty damn small…..not much to do today…just got the grocery run done and I do need to wash the car at some point…although, if it’s going to rain tomorrow, that doesn’t make much sense….more later….