A dark day in the US…

Well…as we knew from the leaked draft of this ruling, the SC just overturned Roe today taking rights away from Americans for the first time in history…I am not going to sit here and say anything about the fact I have a daughter…it’s bigger than that…6 unelected judges just decided that more than half the population no longer has rights they had yesterday…and this isn’t the end of it…the asshole Thomas has said he thinks that Obergfell was decided incorrectly, which will take the right to marry away from our gay neighbors and wants to outlaw contraception, too….and this is just the start, as I have said for years, these right wing judges want this to be a theocracy and they are not going to stop until religion rules this country and anyone can be arrested for anything they don’t like…now, tell me all you people out there that think there is no difference between the parties…get your heads out of your asses and vote for every damn dem all the way down the ticket so we can keep control of the senate and expand the court to send these stone age asshole back tot he little corner they used to occupy before mcconnell stole three seats and his three justices committed perjury to get confirmed…not one dem justice has ever done that…I am crushed that my female friends are now second class citizens and have less rights than their mothers….

June 24th

Well…only up once at 5:10 this morning so I guess that is a win but I don’t feel like it….pretty darn worn out and I hope the coffee starts to work soon….I don’t know how it happened but I am now getting three days out of a pot of coffee when it’s always been two…I wonder if that has something to do with feeling worn out? It was an okay day yesterday and I did get out to the beach for an hour or so and it was cool to watch the dredges in operation depositing sand on the beach to make it twice it’s normal width….the depositer was connected to the dredge with pipes from over a mile away and I was surprised how quiet it was when in operation….can’t wait to ride out there and see how much they got done yesterday….it’s going to make it a really long walk to get to the water when they are done….didn’t get anything done yesterday but water the lawn and today is going to be the same other than I’m out of leftovers so I’ll need to cook today…..and I need to take something out of the freezer for later in the weekend…or maybe I’ll make some of the breaded chicken fillets that I have lots of…..not much to do today….just going to get on the bike here in a minute and take it easy today…will be back to the beach later this morning to get a swim in and get some sun but don’t have any plans other than that….might have to go to Meijers to get some beer since I like to have one on the beach when I go out there and only have one left…but I won’t be on the beach over the weekend with it being so busy out there so maybe I can wait til next week….more later…

This is too cool….

Well…as I talked about earlier, I was curious about what kind of animal was tipping over my water container that I put out every day for the animals around here…as I was closing up the blinds for the night a few minutes ago, I saw what it was…a family of three skunks were in my yard drinking from it and that is just too cool…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a live skunk in my long life and to add a new experience is pretty damn neat…..they are quite strange looking animals with their long black and white fur…and the big one was motionless while drinking for a good 5 minutes…so, to go along with the deer, turkeys, and cats, we now have another species to add to the list and that makes me smile…..pretty damn cool….

The most corrupt SC in history…

Well…with the ruling today that states can’t regulate guns in any way, we can clearly see that this court is not following any law or the constitution when you compare that to the ruling that is coming on Roe saying that only the states can regulate abortion. In this ruling, Thomas created a brand new law that says the 14th amendment prohibits controlling guns when no court in since the 14th was adopted has said any such thing and the ruling is just more of the right wing wish list that was bought and paid for by the NRA…and these far-right rulings show that this is the most corrupt court in the history of the country who will do and say anything to further this wish list no matter how much precedent should limit this crap. So now, Joe Biden, the ball is in your court…you need to expand the court right now to keep these corrupt assholes from doing any more damage…cripes…

Goin’ to the beach…

Well…just wanted to warn everybody that I am heading to the beach to get a swim in so there won’t be a political one here until a bit later…I finally got to see the dredges putting sand on the beach this morning and it looks like they are going to extend the beach by a lot more than the 40 ft they started with and that is pretty cool but makes it a much farther walk to get in to swim…. and the noise is going to be a bit much but I can go all the way to the south end of the beach so it won’t be too bad….more later….

June 23rd

Well…that was a crappy day…had to make many calls to shut down the assholes that think I want to listen to their bullshit music in my house and that always depresses me…and I am pretty depressed today…I did sleep okay since the firestarters out here didn’t light the whole damn neighborhood on fire like they did Tuesday night so I didn’t have to eat smoke in my house….okay, that’s enough of that…I did realize why the A-10′s I saw yesterday looked so different…they had a pointed fairing over where the rotary cannon normally sits just under the nose of the plane….so no armament and that just raises more questions about what state they were in….heading for scrapping? Who knows? Didn’t get much done yesterday but didn’t need to and I don’t think I’m going to do much today….I’m just so tired from being depressed that I want to take the day off until the hearings come on this afternoon….did just see something strange in my yard….a mother cat had her kittens playing in my yard until an opossum started walking through where they were and the kittens climbed up my big tree and the momma attacked the opossum….all while baby squirrels sat on the power lines watching what was going on….and some animal dumped my water container over for the second night in a row and I wonder what it is….I really wish that was all I had to think about out here…but the noise is going to start again and I’m going to have to deal with it all day again….and that is bullshit…need to get a couple of e-mails out to the city government today to bitch about it…when do I get a day off from that? Not much to do today….at least my teeth don’t hurt much so I guess that’s something…just going to get on the bike here in a few minutes and I wonder why? Not enjoying it much lately and it has become more of a job than anything else and that is a function of the depression, too….so, do I just veg the day out and elevate my guilt response or do I drag my ass out off the couch and get on the bike? Yeah…you know the answer to that….on the bike and hope that it gets better…damn, I hate the people out here….at least I have tiny little beans on my bean plants….and in a few weeks I’ll have fresh beans to eat…more later….

A-10′s on the beach…

Well…after getting everything done today, I decided to hear out to the beach for a swim and some sun and the normal set up is to pour one beer into my Contego leak proof coffee cup and throw that in my cooler with my water bottle and some sunscreen and an ice pack…on the way out, I heard a loud pop and knew what that meant…the pressure had gotten too high in the cup and it had blown the top off it…luckily, I had zippered it shut so the beer shrapnel was contained inside and I had put a spare beer in so I had one to have at the beach for my swim…when I got my chair set up and comfortable, I heard a loud jet engine and couldn’t figure out how with the airport all the way on the other side of the city…so I looked to the south and saw two A-10 Warthogs coming up the shoreline over the lake at about 200 feet altitude…pretty cool but they were the nicest ones I’ve ever seen…not beat up at all and, since the last ones were made in the 80′s, that was just not right…they looked like they could have come off the line today so I wonder if they were rebuilt ones? Whatever they were, it was cool to see them flying in formation just off the beach…you never know what you’re going to see at the beach….

Someone needs to help these women…

Well…watching the January 6th hearings yesterday, the final two witnesses were a mother and daughter who were poll workers in Georgia and who were targeted by the idiot trump and his stupid minion rudy with lies that they were “crooks” and that they were part of the reason that idiot boy lost Georgia and accused them of faking votes and using plug in drives to give the state to biden….and this went so far as trump calling them out by name and publishing their addresses so his thugs could go after them….and they did, driving the mother out of her house for months and actually pushing their way into the grandmother’s house to threaten her….and it was all a lie…you know what the “plug in drive” was that the mother handed her daughter on the videotape of the vote counting they were helping with? A damn peppermint candy…the candy that rudy said was “suspicious” and was all the proof they needed to show that these women were criminals and needed to be arrested…and trump kept this crap up through months of his “rallies” lying and slandering these women day after day. Now the only thing I can say is someone needs to help these women….some law firm needs to take this case pro bono and sue trump’s and rudy’s ass for a couple of hundred million dollars…and again, these attacks are all on tapes so they need no testimony to prove the intent to harm these women when trump knew it was a lie and kept spouting this crap….and all of the white guys who attacked the grandmother’s house need to be found and arrested for assault for pushing their way into her house…unless people pay for this crap, they are going to keep doing it…and trump needs to be arrested for sending his minions after them to harm them…he has to pay…and now…

June 22nd

Well…running a little early today with having to work on the computer to get it to do a windows update and it finally just finished so I guess it worked okay…slept okay last night but it was a 2:14 and 4:40 night so that kinda sucked and I finally just gave up and got up at 5:36…I found my next neighborhood improvement project to get the burning of open campfires banned up here and the first e-mails to the city commission will go out today…last night some asshole was burning near me that filled my damn house with smoke and I had to close all the windows while it was 85 degrees and I am just not going to tolerate that…so, I’ll be working to get them to enforce the burning ordinance that says you can have a fire if the smoke doesn’t impact any other property…and it does so here we go….even with not sleeping a lot, I still feel pretty good this morning and will be getting out on the bike for the first ride here in a few minutes and that will get me out before 7 and back here to do the grocery run…I did have to water the lawn yesterday and will probably have to do it for the next week or so to try to salvage the lawn….I put so much work into seeding it and getting it to grow I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet and spend a hundred bucks to keep it alive….I finally remembered to wash the car yesterday to get all of the pollen and dust off it and it now looks okay….not much to do today….I may do a beach run this aft since I haven’t been out there this week and I really could use a swim…don’t have a lot else to do today other than the grocery run and I don’t mind that….but I’m still kind of stuck in getting the summer going and I do need to think about how to fix that….more later…

First dental work done…

Well…just got back from my first dental appointment in the string of many, many I’m going to need and it wasn’t too bad…hurt a bit but no worse than when I eat….so I’m going to wait a bit for the next one in July but I hope that I can get a cancellation and get in earlier….it looks like at least 4 more this year and then start it over next year…at least I think we are mitigating the damage and they won’t get worse so I guess that’s progress….I am looking forward to getting more done….yay!