Well…I almost forgot about this small, cool thing that happened this morning….I had all my trash out to the curb for pickup today and when the workers who are working on the curbs and sidewalk across the street showed up and parked right in front of my trash bin so there was no way the garbage truck could get to it…it steamed me a little bit and when I got back from the first ride, I pulled up in front of the house to talk to one of the guys and ask him to move his truck so the trash could get picked up…and the guy said the truck had already been there and he had pulled my trash bin over to an open space so they could pick it up….and I thought that was a pretty cool thing…sometimes little things make me happy…but, they didn’t pick up my yard waste so I do need to call about that tomorrow….oh, well….
Monthly Archives: June 2022
Only 30 miles today…
Well…not sure if I should be proud of myself or to feel guilty but I only rode twice today even with having enough time to go out for a third one…I could even go out right now at 6:07 but I just don’t want to…I didn’t get much done today with not sleeping and feeling like I had my feet in sand all day…it was a lot of work to just do the normal stuff and I hope it will be better tomorrow…and it should if I can get more than 4 hours of sleep tonight….not going to talk about how many calories I took in because I’m pretty sure it wasn’t enough even with only doing 30 miles…..and I have broken my habit of dry roasted peanuts at night so that should work to help the weight come off…I know I’ve been shedding water like crazy all day but a lot of that is drinking much more since my big toe is starting to twinge and that means the dehydration is coming back…and I don’t want a full blown gout attack or I’ll be off my feet for a few days….still haven’t got the renewal for my car plates so I decided to not wait and renewed them online so the new tabs will be here in time for my birthday….I did start looking for a bike light so I can take it out in the dark if I want and I found a rechargeable one with the taillight for only 16 bucks so I may buy that this week along with the new bike bag…but that will total 40 bucks and I don’t want to spend any money with car insurance and summer taxes coming up in August that should total close to a grand….still need to be careful what I spend these days…but, I’m not buying anything at Meijers this week so that may even out….the car tags were 81 bucks and that hurt a bit spending that much money…and I need to put gas in the car tomorrow that should be 30 bucks….ouch….oh, well….
According to the NYT, it’s a cudgel…
Well…if there was any question that the media is failing us as we try to save our democracy, you just have to look at the NYT that is buying into the repub talking point that the only reason for the January 6th committee is for the dems to use it as a “cudgel” to attack the repubs before the 2022 elections. Not to bring the people who tried to overthrow the election to justice for the crimes they did…nope, it’s just to use it as an attack on repubs…and this is just so much bullshit that they should be ashamed of themselves…and why not attack the people who tried to kill this country and allow a criminal to stay in power? So, to use their logic, the Watergate committee was just there to attack Nixon and not to uncover the crimes that he and his cronies committed….and the propaganda arm of the repub party, fox news, is not even going to carry the hearings that start Thurs night but will present their regular lineup of liars to continue to make sure that their viewers don’t see the truth of the breadth of the corruption that is the modern repub party….and this fits the pattern from the day of January 6th, when the repubs all downplayed the seriousness of the attack and wanted to just sweep it under the rug so they can use the same tactics in every other election…and they are still rigging them across this country as they install far right Secretaries of state who will make sure that only the repubs can ever win another election…this is going on now folks and unless we get out to vote this fall, there won’t ever be another fair election in this country…and that is just the fact….and it won’t be reported by the media at all….geez…
June 7th
Well…just discovered the downside to getting up at 5am on a fresh coffee morning…I got started on this one without the benefit of coffee since the coffee maker doesn’t even start until 6….ick….and it was a really crappy night of sleep getting to bed at 11 but not sleeping til almost 1, then tossed and turned all night until I gave up at 5 and got up…I’m pretty sure that 4 hours of sleep is not enough but I don’t know what to do about it…don’t want to go back to the sleep aids since they make me feel like crap all morning so that doesn’t leave me many options…I guess I’ll figure it out….and maybe get a nap this afternoon…it did rain out here some yesterday but not as much as I hoped and I’m not sure if it was enough to save the lawn….putting food on it before was a good idea,though, and I hope that will help….I do have to remember to drag the two big bags of yard waste out here soon since I didn’t want to put them out in the rain last night and have them wet and soggy for the people picking them up today….it was nice to get the garden stuff done yesterday and show some progress out there but I am disappointed with the lack of peppers this year…only got a couple last year and with the hundreds of seeds I put in, I expected more…oh, well…not much to do today…going to get a ride in about 7:30 or so and then out to depot to try again to get garden food and some more jb weld in case the mower falls apart again….and then on the bike for the second one about 10….but don’t have anything else planned for the day…it may be a low key one anyway with not sleeping much last night….more later….
I was smart for a change today…
Well…after getting an early ride in today and getting wet in the process, I was almost resigned to only doing one ride until it stopped raining and the radar looked like I’d have a while to get out without getting wet again…and I did…but I was smart for a change today and only did two rides even when I had time to do a third one…and I feel pretty good about that…maybe I’m breaking the compulsion to ride and ride? Doing three a day has taken up all my time and I really do want to do other things…so this evening, instead of a ride, I just fooled around in the yard and got some work done…trimmed the bushes growing into my yard from the house to the East so I can mow between the garden and the fence easier and got out my big pole cutter and took the top off a crappy bush in the empty house so my garden will get more light…then took down a bunch of dead branches, bundled them up and put them out for pickup tomorrow….and filled another yard bag with the trimmings from the bushes….then got the tomato cages put in along with some stakes for the excess tomato plants…..all in all, a pretty productive 2 hours out there…and I don’t feel nearly as worn out as doing 45 miles so that is a plus and I hope that will continue tomorrow…I mean, isn’t 30 miles a day enough? I’ll probably still do a 45 miler every once in a while but not every day….unless I get bored….and that happens a lot….
What a pain…
Well…as I mentioned earlier, I decided to head out to depot to get food for my gardens this morning and had a little problem getting the car to start…still haven’t removed the battery cut off switch that failed and wouldn’t disconnect anymore and that started to work this morning…so, once I figured that out, I went over to depot to get the fertilizer and they had the damn aisle blocked off with those gates they use when someone is working in the aisle….but there was no one to be seen and not even anyone that I could find to get them to unlock the gate…what a damn pain in the butt….so, a wasted trip and came home empty handed….at least I didn’t have to travel 15 miles to get there….still, a pain in the butt and I’ll have to make another trip….crap…
It just isn’t going to matter…
Well…with the first of the January 6th public hearings scheduled for prime time Thursday evening, I am seeing the people on the left or living in the real world think once the facts are out there about the conspiracy, it will make some sort of earthquake that will take down all of these fascist assholes that tried to destroy this country…but my cynical take is that it just isn’t going to matter. In normal times before the crazies got control of the repub party, all of those who participated in the coup attempt would have been thrown out of congress and their sorry asses would be in jail…but it has become a badge of honor for repubs to still spout the big lie that the election was “stolen” and they are running campaigns based on that lie…and just how do the Jan 6th hearings cut through that delusion? Look, I’ve never lived through a time in this country when one of the major political parties sole purpose for being is to rig elections and take rights away from 50% of the population….in that climate, I don’t think I’ll get my hopes up that anything that comes out of the hearings is going to make a difference….and that is just so damn depressing….
June 6th
Well…running a bit late this morning with not being able to get going…didn’t get up til 6:30 and I don’t think that helped how worn out I feel even with only doing one ride yesterday…and I need to get out on the bike here pretty soon since there is rain coming in that is going to be here around 9:30 or so…and I’m not sure how many rides I’m going to get in…it will be tough for me if I can’t get back out for at least one more ride….haven’t only done one ride two days in a row this year and I’ll feel like a slug if I do…okay, I have when I was riding indoors but I don’t want to get back on that if I don’t have to…I did get out to put more food on the lawn late in the day yesterday with the rain that was coming overnight but it looks like the rain dissipated before it got here so I really hope it rains today and works the food into the lawn….if it does rain, I am going to run out to depot to get some more veggie food for the gardens…can get 40lbs for 22 bucks and that should last me all summer…and with all of the sunflowers I have up, they will need food if they are going to get to the giant size that they tout on the package…it would be cool to have them get to 8 feet with heads that are a couple of feet across….I almost took the day off yesterday but just can’t figure out how to do that….and won’t do that today with a few things to do….need to pour more coffee into me and get on the bike by 7:30 so I have 22 minutes for one more cup and to shake the cobwebs out before I get on the bike….would really like to sit on the porch and listen to the rain this morning and I think that will be the goal for the day…tough work…more later….
Did a ride today….
Well…yeah, I know I said I was going to take the day off the bike today but it quit raining and I couldn’t just do nothing so I suited up and got out…and then it started to rain when I got out to the beach and it was pretty miserable all the way back…well…not miserable…I don’t mind it raining when it’s just a little warmer but it was only 59 when I went out and I am still cold from it…I did get some work done today so I guess that’s something…cleaned the couch and rotated the cushions and then vacuumed the rug and tore the bed apart and washed the bedding along with the couch blankets….so I did get a couple of things done but the races are starting now so I’m done for the day…I promise I’ll get back to politics tomorrow and try to do a couple a day on that until I get caught up….I may even do one today if I get any more bored than I am right now….
7:45 and I’m bored already…
Well…damn, sitting here and have already read the paper and all the news websites…and that leaves me bored already and it’s not even 8am yet…so, it may turn out to be a pretty hard day since I don’t feel like cleaning yet…or ever, but I do need to clean off the dining room table that I let pile up with lots of stuff and looks like crap….and I do need to clean the stove some but will probably wait until I cook for the day….I may go out in the rain to feed the garden here in a minute since it does need food to keep everything going….okay, my brain isn’t working so I’m going to get more coffee and watch the MotoGP race….more later….