Well…up at 5:37 this morning and feel pretty worn out…just poured the first cup of coffee and I would really like it to work soon…haven’t looked outside yet to see if it’s raining but it’s supposed to be…it’s warm enough to get out on the bike but that ends today with highs going down into the 30′s….okay…the weather widget just changed to 40 degrees with light rain so I guess the rides will be indoors today…and that’s okay…cleaned the bike up yesterday and I can leave it downstairs….got a few things done yesterday but that leaves me with nothing to do today and that’s okay, too…I can clean and probably should do the kitchen…got the biggest stalk of celery I’ve ever seen at aldis yesterday for 95 cents and that reminds me I need to make more potato soup and cut some of it up to use for snacks later…a little ranch dressing with some hot sauce in it would be good…not in too much pain today and I really should be after all the riding this week…my thighs were howling on the bike yesterday and the pain was moving around like it normally does….not much to do today…it’s still before 7 so I can just sit here for a bit before I get going…and I think I will…more later…
Monthly Archives: December 2023
Saw a weird thing today…
Well…almost forgot about this…today when I was out on the second ride along Muskegon Lake, I saw a Bald Eagle flying north to south across the lake and it was flying like I’ve never seen an eagle do…not the normal lazy spirals but it was flying flat out like he had somewhere to be and he kept it up until he was out of sight…I wonder what would make an eagle do that? I’ll have to keep my eyes up more to try to see that again…it’s been a good day and I got lots of stuff done…the grocery runs first, then two bike rides, cleaned the bike and just finished working on it downstairs, then laundry that is in the dryer and I’ll have to put that away when it’s done…so, pretty busy but now it’s almost 4:30 and I am done for the day…it’s the 10th day in a row of only one meal and I really am starting to see the weight come off with being able to ride outdoors…but that ends tomorrow I think with rain and cold coming in…and that looks like the end until the first week of January…oh, well…I do have more “Goliath” to watch downstairs…
This is what happens when dems run the place…
Well…as you probably already know, after fair districts were drawn here in Michigan and enshrined in the constitution, the dems took charge of the entire state government while the repubs just sat there and sulked since they couldn’t cheat anymore…and what did this control do for the people of Michigan? The latest good thing is that our governor Whitmer just signed a bill into law that will make all of the electricity generated here from renewable sources by the year 2040…no more coal or gas plants so Michigan will be doing it’s part to combat the climate damage done by dirty fuels…and entire state on renewables? I can’t wait to see the plan and I wonder if they will have subsidies for people to install solar? Man, I’d love to do that but just don’t have the finances for it…just another example where elections have consequences…so go out and vote….
December 27th
Well…that was weird…slept all the way through the night until 5:44 this morning and that never happens…I really can’t remember the last time that I didn’t wake up at least once overnight….I wonder if it has something to do with getting the health insurance sorted out? Have to start planning meals for after the ham runs out and I really think I need to make some pasta for a change…not a lot of food in the freezer but I do have 2 pounds of ground turkey that I can make chili with…and I’m going to make another batch of potato soup in a couple of days and then some ham soup when I use up the ham and mashed potatoes….going to go through the food my daughter left me and use that up…still have lentils and other dry goods to use…it’s only 36 outside so I may have to wait til the afternoon to get out on the bike and it’s still going to be cold when I do…and tomorrow is going to be rainy so I’ll be inside….not much to do today…just the grocery runs and the rides but I should clean a bit and do laundry and probably will….more later…
That takes a load off…
Well…while I was sitting here tonight, I realized I still hadn’t heard from Priority Health Medicare whether I still had coverage and January 1st is coming up…so I decided to give them a call and got through…talked to a very nice woman who told me that still had my address as my son’s house in GR…but if they sent paperwork there, my son or daughter in law would have called me to let me know…so she changed my address and told me I was still enrolled and will send me all of the things I should have gotten…two cards, and a catalog for the OTC benefit…so this takes a big load off me and I don’t have to wonder anymore…I really did think they cancelled me for costing them 77K for my surgery this year…so, I’m going to have a cocktail to celebrate tonight…
Got another two outdoor rides in..
Well…Man U is stinking up the place again so I thought I’d come here instead…once the rain turned into a heavy mist about 8:45 this morning, I decided to suit up and head out with my rain gear on…there was just a little wind so that made for some good rides and I came back sweating from working hard…it was around 47 degrees when I left and that is plenty warm when I’ve got the raincoat on….didn’t get too wet and when I finished the first ride all I did was fill the water bottle and got right back on the bike since I was covered in grit from the wet trails and didn’t want to track it all over the house…as it was, after the second ride, I stood in the shower as I brushed the dirt off the back of my pants and raincoat…I may be able to get one more day of outdoor rides in tomorrow but it might rain so we’ll see…it is going to rain Thursday and then the temp crashes to highs in the 30 so I’ll be indoors for the rest of the year…haven’t done much else today other than straighten the place up and clean a little…and now I need to go out and put the trash bin out for pickup tomorrow…
The polls are turning…
Well…there has been a lot of hand wringing on the left with a poll back in November that had trump leading Biden in the 2024 election by a few points…and it was generally accepted that the poll was an outlier whose mechanics was off but that didn’t matter and the pundit class tried to tell us it was the death knell for Biden’s re-election prospects…not so fast…of the 8 polls done since, Joe is in the lead in every one of them and the trend is up for him as more and more people are starting to see the real idiot trump and the good economic news from Biden’s team’s competence in how they are handling inflation and recession fears that have been shouted by the pundits, too…look, we are living in the best economy in 20 years or more…do you think the idiot trump could do better? If you do, you need to get your head examined…and fast…geez…
December 26th
Well…December 26th used to be my favorite day of the year when I celebrated christmas…everything done, no more traveling and a few days off before I had to go back to work…have had a hard time figuring out what day it is over the past week or so…it’s Tuesday? Weird….it’s raining out there right now and just saw the high wind warning pop up on the screen so it may be an indoor ride today but I guess we’ll see…I did get 45 miles in yesterday and the third ride was a surprise when it was warm enough to go out in shorts…not sure why I’ve been sleeping okay for the past few months but I’ll take it…I mean getting up only once a night around three and then staying in bed til almost 7? And feeling okay as I have my coffee? Now that I’ve hit my 5,000 mile goal, I can start to think about taking a day off the bike this week but, as you know, that is really hard for me…maybe that is something to work on? Still don’t need to cook today with the soup and ham leftovers but I will need to start some meal planning today so I can get the food tomorrow…one thing I know is I have to cut down on the salt…not much to do today…the day will probably revolve around getting the rides in before lunch as it always does and then getting some cleaning in…need to start a new book today to fill the hours…more later…
Out on the bike in shorts today…
Well…about 2:45 this afternoon, I noticed that the little weather widget at the bottom of the screen said it was 58 degrees out here so I decided to go out for a third ride and this time in shorts for the last time this year…put Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” in the ears and it started to rain as soon as I left here but that was okay since I had my rain gear on…not sure if this is the latest in the year that I’ve been out in shorts but it has to be close…I do remember being out on New Years day in shorts a few years back but that was that year without a winter when it never really snowed at all and I could ride outdoors all winter…oh, I did make it to 5,000 miles for the year with doing the third ride…might even be able to add another hundred miles by the end of the year…
December 25th
Well…having a heck of a time getting started this morning with the first cup of coffee just poured and only one sip in me…it’s a fresh coffee day today and I always like those…slept okay and only woke up a couple of times then dragged myself out of bed around 6 and that’s pretty normal…going to get on the bike as soon as it gets light since I need to get three rides in if I’m going to get to 5,000 miles today…watching “A Christmas Story” and it still makes me laugh after all these years….didn’t eat a lot yesterday with only having a bowl of soup and I’m not sure how that is going to effect the rides today…my legs will probably be flat but they feel okay right now…not sure what else I’m going to do today…probably a load of laundry and maybe some cleaning but I did some of that yesterday so maybe I’ll just wing it a bit…sure hope cleaning the bike took care of the problems I was having yesterday…not much to do today…just need to get going but that’s not happening right now…so I’ll just pour more coffee down and wait for the light…more later…