Well…as you probably already know, after fair districts were drawn here in Michigan and enshrined in the constitution, the dems took charge of the entire state government while the repubs just sat there and sulked since they couldn’t cheat anymore…and what did this control do for the people of Michigan? The latest good thing is that our governor Whitmer just signed a bill into law that will make all of the electricity generated here from renewable sources by the year 2040…no more coal or gas plants so Michigan will be doing it’s part to combat the climate damage done by dirty fuels…and entire state on renewables? I can’t wait to see the plan and I wonder if they will have subsidies for people to install solar? Man, I’d love to do that but just don’t have the finances for it…just another example where elections have consequences…so go out and vote….
Tag Archives: Governor Whitmer
Just stay the hell out of Michigan’s business…
Well….as the virus explodes again here in Michigan and our competent governor is forced to take steps again to stop the spread with closing dine in restaurants, bars, and schools for three weeks…we get the predictable comments from trump’s toady, Scott Atlas, who is supposed to be running the covid response…that the people of Michigan should “rise up” to stop the new restrictions…never mind that governor Whitman was the target of a kidnapping and murder scheme that was spurred on by the idiot’s comments on earlier restrictions and this comment will probably do the same this time for the gun-toting morons that belch “freedom” every time government tries to protect us from their stupidity. Look, trump’s cronies did nothing for Michigan when this pandemic started and are still doing nothing as we reach a million new cases a day in the US so they should just shut the hell up and stay out of Michigan’s business…and let our governor do what’s best for this state by listening to the experts and not some washed up doctor who is not an expert in anything but kissing trump’s ass….god, I can’t wait for these assholes to be gone…
Good news from Michigan…
Well….how about we dispense with politics for a minute and talk about something else that is really important to the people of Michigan? Yesterday, governor Whitmer revoked the easement for Enbridge’s line 5 oil pipeline that runs under the Straits of Mackinac and that means that it must be shut down in 180 days…and that is good news for us here since the majority of our drinking water comes from Lake Michigan and Lake Huron and any oil spill in the straits would pollute both lakes and crash our economy. A couple of years ago, we came so close to that spill when a barge dragged it’s anchor across the dual pipelines and it was only by luck that the lines were only dented and not ruptured but how much luck can we count on with pipelines that were installed the year I was born…and I’m really old? Now Embridge has proposed digging a tunnel lined with concrete to put the lines in but why? It’s the reason why there is no offshore oil drilling allowed in the Great Lakes…that any spill would cause damage that the lakes may never recover from and the economic disruption would be catastrophic to the people of Michigan…and all so an oil company who is responsible for the worst oil spill in Michigan history can continue to rake in profits while they put the state at risk? I applaud Governor Whitmer’s tough stance to protect the environment and the people of Michigan…and now we have a dem controlled supreme court that will follow the law and protect Michigan from business that doesn’t give a damn about anything but profit…
Texans have to be the dumbest people on earth…
Well….sitting here watching the nascar race from Texas and I am just shaking my head at the stupidity of the people they let in to the race today…after a big wreck, the race was red flagged and the cars stopped along the front straight…so, in a state with the second worse coronavirus outbreak that is happening right damn now, these morons all flocked down to the fence in a crowd of a couple of hundred people standing shoulder to shoulder with no a mask on any of them…not one damn mask in any shot that I’ve seen all day…so, you can guess where the next big outbreak is going to be….and the announcers I’m sure have been told to not mention it…just go on and on about how great it is to have fans back at the track…not that there is a pandemic raging through texas that is killing hundreds of people every day…nope, nothing about that…just happy talk about how they can’t wait to have more disease spreaders at the races and it’s a shame that they didn’t let more in today…Governor Whitmer, these morons are coming to Michigan soon, please don’t let them spread the virus more here by letting them have unmasked fans at the track…it just isn’t worth it to put the whole state at risk…or better yet, no fans at the track at all….it’s just not worth it…
Don’t negotiate with terrorists….
Well…with Michigan now the laughingstock of the country after the bully boys with their guns tried to get to the floor of house here yesterday, the only piece of advice I have for our governor is “don’t negotiate with terrorists”. Let’s be blunt…this storming of our state house is the definition of terrorism…”the use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims…”…can anyone say that having a bunch of screaming, armed, white men trying to get into your work place to force the “opening” of the state is not intimidation for political purposes? Then you have the idiot in chief weighing in yesterday with the idea that Whitmer should negotiate with these terrorists to make them go away….making these protests overtly political and no different that any other act of terroism on our soil…I mean, what’s next? Shooting some people to get their way? and the way that the cops reacted to these assholes was just as sick…laughing and joking with them as they tried to harm the people and buildings that are sworn to protect…I wonder what would have happened if these weren’t white, right wing thugs? Substitute black or Muslim and you’ll have your answer…we’d be mourning the dead and wondering how we got there. I just don’t think our governor should yield one iota to these crybaby assholes…after all, she has a plan based on science and experts and I’m sure that there is not one expert on pandemics in that mob yesterday….
Did anyone else notice?
Well….as I predicted, when the repubs in the senate let the idiot trump get away with extorting the Ukraine to fake some dirt on Joe Biden…a Quid Pro Quo if you will…that he would then know he could get away with continuing to do it…and that is happening now with idiot boy holding up federal aid to both NY and Michigan until the governors of both states kiss his ass…now, doing this to a state that the idiot needs to win for re-election is probably one of the most stupid things I have ever seen…but it’s typical trump since nothing in the world has any importance to him other than his feelings and delusions…and Cuomo and Whitmer had the audacity to tell the truth and ask the moron in chief to do his damn job which trump always sees as a personal attack since he can’t think any other way with his narcissism ruling his addled brain. This isn’t going to end well for idiot boy in November…can you say landslide? Especially here in Michigan when the people whose friends and family trump has murdered go out to vote…
A badge of honor…
Well…our governor Whitmer must be doing something right because she sure had gotten under the idiot in chief’s skin…after her appearance on MSNBC where she told the truth that the federal government…run by idiot boy…”didn’t take the threat of this virus seriously” and now the governors are having to step in and clean up the mess, trump blew up on twitter with his normal insults saying that he stands with the people of Michigan…yeah, no you don’t you moron…weeks and weeks ago you could have done anything to get more testing to determine the scope of the problem but you belittled the scientists and said your “gut feeling” was that there would only be a few cases and your response to the crisis was “perfect”…only in your diseased mind is anything you have ever done “perfect”…you have bungled every damn thing you have touched your entire life…and let’s talk about low the bar is to measure your performance….a bar that is so low they had to dig a six foot deep hole to find it…with the media heaping praise on you for not being the worst asshole in the world for 5 whole minutes yesterday…and the stories that you had changed were all over the media…and it’s the same old bullshit that we see when you manage to not drool all over yourself…he’s changed…but that’s just frickin not true….cripes, I’ll bet everyone would love to be judged at work with that same bar…if you show up and don’t crap on your desk you get a promotion! Let’s be blunt…Governor Whitmer, it is a badge of honor to be attacked by the dotard in chief…it means you are smart, decisive, and successful and he just can’t stand when his failings are pointed out to him…keep it up and keep protecting us here in Michigan.
It’s going to get real…
Well…I guess today is the day that shit is going to get real here in Michigan with the coronavirus…last week, our governor took the necessary step of closing down all of our K-12 schools and universities and colleges did the same…but this morning, if the reports are correct, governor Whitmer is going to issue an order closing all bars and restaurants except for take outs since there are enough idiots our there who are stupid or repubs, or both who are not taking this disease seriously and are still going out and packing themselves in these crowded spaces when it is clear that this lack of personal space is what fuels transmission. To show how stupid the repubs really are, just yesterday we had the idiot Devin Nunes going on tv telling people to go out to restaurants and bars because it will be easy to get a reservation and the repub governor of Oklahoma posting photos of he and his family mugging it up at a crowded restaurant while dismissing the severity of this outbreak. Now, maybe this will spur the natural selection that we need to rid ourselves of such stupidity but I don’t wish any disease on anyone….I am pissed because these idiots could infect me or any one of my brothers or sisters who are all over 60…and two who are pushing 80 and the death rate for people that age is pushing 20%…maybe they’ll stop being stupid when grandma dies…but, probably not….what morons….