Well….when I read about all of the vaccine/virus denial and lies coming out of right wing news, the question comes to my mind is why would they do this? What’s in it for them to make sure that their listeners get the virus? Is it just stoking the outrage machine they need to keep their viewers coming back for more? I have never seen a safe, effective vaccine vilified as the covid one is and you would think there would be a clear reason for this coordinated attack…I know part of it is to attack Joe Biden…but the line of the attack they are using is so incoherent that the only thing you can draw from it is “vaccine bad” and saving lives by figuring out how to get more vaccine into more arms is like Nazism….this is how far the repub party has fallen in my lifetime…it is now run by cranks and crackpots who have no problem causing people to die by their lies…and what for? What could possibly be a net gain for them to kill off their own people? I still don’t get it….morons…
Tag Archives: morons
Boy, the trumps are stupid…
Well…with the indictment of the trump organization and of the head guy Weisselberg for tax evasion on millions of dollars of cars, apartments, private schools, and lots of other things, you would think that the people who own the organization would have lawyers telling them to shut the hell up and not make it worse…but not with the whole family of idiots who are the trumps…every damn one of them has been all over tv saying that giving all this stuff to an employee for free is just how it’s done and it’s no big deal the company or Weissleberg didn’t pay taxes on this compensation….actually admitting that yep, they did break the law…even the idiot trump tried to belittle the charges by admitting that what the indictment says is true by saying it was just a car, who pays taxes on cars? Then the person who “knows more about taxes than anyone in the world” pouts and asks at his fascist rally Friday..”does anyone know about taxes?” These are some seriously stupid people…basically admitting they broke the law but they truly think this is just a PR problem, that if they try to minimize the offenses, which are felonies by the way, they will again get off with just a few fines and they can buy their way out like they have for their whole lives….so, keep it up morons, keep admitting to breaking the law on tv and when it’s your time to be charged, these interviews will be admitted as evidence that you knew what was going on and then when you lie to the prosecutors, they can add perjury to the pile of charges that are coming…geez…what a bunch of dopes….
Stupid repub tricks…
Well…since the morons supporting idiot boy’s efforts to get the courts to throw out the election results haven’t been successful…okay, that’s an understatement…the courts have beat these idiots down 60 times, we now have the stupidest House members and senators still trying to overturn the election by getting the congress to not count the EC votes which needs a senator to sign on to make the protest official…and now one of the dumbest senators has just done that…Josh Hawley, trump sychophant and all around asshole has said that he will be the senator they need to something something and force a vote on accepting the votes. Now, let’s get to the meat of it…they would have to get a majority of the House members if they can force the votes and that is just not going to happen…but what is going to happen is Hawley is going to force the repubs to vote and go on record as the seditionists they are and reject the duly certified votes from every state…I can imagine the ads running in two years that will paint these morons as being against democracy and hanging this shameful bullshit around all of their necks…I can’t believe that McConnell would allow this crap since it will threaten the repub majority in the senate if they keep it after the Georgia runoffs and will give the dems a long time to attack the traitors who vote for it. So please proceed, senator….read it into the congressional record who the traitors are so everyone can see it…geez…
Not a peep out of idiot boy…
Well…after the revelation of Russia’s ongoing cyber attacks on the US, have you heard a peep out of idiot boy on this subject? Nope, not a damn word….and I can guess why…trump doesn’t want to get Putin pissed so he can’t take asylum there when he is charged with the many crimes he has committed. Look, let’s call this what it is…it’s not a hack like the media is framing it…it is the new type of military attack on the battlefield where most battles are going to be fought from now and into the future….and it is from the Russian military that this attack is coming…and trump and the morons he put in charge of this country’s safety sit and do nothing…and to compound that (and I think to hide their incompetence) these idiots have told the experts in the Biden administration that there will be no more briefings at all until next year so that’s two weeks at least that Russia can do whatever it wants since trump won’t do anything other than bitch about “voter fraud” and golf….this is what happens when you have a *president who talks tough but is scared shitless of Putin, and who believes him more than our own IC….I guess idiot boy thinks this is just “fake news” and he has checked out anyway…refusing to take any intelligence briefings since he lost the election…maybe that is a good thing…he is so damn dumb he wouldn’t have anything to offer anyway…geez…
The costs of Sturgis…
Well…I wrote a short one a few weeks back on the super spreader Sturgis Bike rally attended by a couple of hundred thousand right wing assholes who did absolutely nothing to keep from spreading the coronavirus…no masks, no social distancing, drinking in crowded bars, going to concerts…you get my drift….and I predicted that there would be an explosion of coronavirus from it that would be spread all over the country…and gee, I was right. A study released in the past few days estimated that this event caused over 250,000 cases of the disease and the costs for treatment of these cases was put at 12.2 billion dollars….yep, 12.2 billion dollars just so these assholes could exercise their “freedumb”…and “own the libs”….one estimate puts the cases tied to this moronic rally as almost 20% of the reported cases in the country and will almost certainly continue to spread the disease across the country. You know, I pretty damn tired of these cretins putting my life in danger every damn day just so they can go to frickin bar and not wear masks…..I know most of us here in Michigan are doing our part to slow the spread of the virus, but all it takes is one moron going to Sturgis to take all of that work and flush it down the drain….just like they should be….geez…
Stay away from Harley riders…
Well…if we didn’t already know that most Harley riders are maga asshats, just take a look at what is happening this week in Sturgis SD where a hundred thousand or more have gathered for the annual motorcycle rallye…take a look at the photos folks…packed shoulder to shoulder, bars open, and not a mask in sight…you want to see the next virus hotspot? Here it is….and every damn one of these morons spout off that they don’t care if they get the virus, their “freedom” will protect them…and many of them are still lying their asses off parroting the idiot trump that the virus is a “hoax” and only effects “demorats” so they are safe. Now, here is the wholesale stupidity that got trump into office…but I wonder how these idiot are going to feel when they take the virus home and kill other family members? Bye, bye grandma and some of their kids are probably going to die, too but that is an acceptable price to pay for “freedumb” if you listen to the talking points that are woven through every interview…and they are even berating the news people covering the virus spreading party since they are wearing masks and are not stupid…oh, well…I should be happy that this will thin out the herd of stupidity that infests this country…but, I’m not an asshole like these folks and I care that Americans are going to die just so these assholes can “own the libs” as they are so fond of saying….what abject stupidity…
The economy is not going to recover…
Well….how’s that for a click bait headline? I wanted to add “until the virus is controlled” but that telegraphs a little too much so I didn’t. But it is true…you just need to take a look at Florida where the outbreak is uncontrolled and unemployment is skyrocketing to see it….who the hell is going to go out and spend money (other than the maga assholes) when there are 15,000 new cases a day and the government is doing nothing to stop it? Even here in Michigan where we were down to around 150 cases a day has seen them jump to over 600 a day with the re-opening of bars and people relaxing their social distancing that got us in control of the virus. So, the bars are closed again and more restrictions are in place for mask wearing in all stores to try to stop the increases…and even here, old people like me are not going out to the restaurants that are still open and even youngsters are apprehensive of trying to go back to their old lives so they don’t spend money either. Without demand, the economy is not coming back any time soon…ignoring the virus continues to make the economy worse across the country so we need to concentrate on controlling it first, and no amount of wishful thinking by the idiot trump or his toady governors is going to change that…and opening the schools and turning them into huge virus incubators that is going to kill teachers and children is not going to help anything…especially since the repubs don’t want to pay for safety measures that could possibly protect our vulnerable children…of course they don’t, once you’re born, you’re on you own with these assholes….
Texans have to be the dumbest people on earth…
Well….sitting here watching the nascar race from Texas and I am just shaking my head at the stupidity of the people they let in to the race today…after a big wreck, the race was red flagged and the cars stopped along the front straight…so, in a state with the second worse coronavirus outbreak that is happening right damn now, these morons all flocked down to the fence in a crowd of a couple of hundred people standing shoulder to shoulder with no a mask on any of them…not one damn mask in any shot that I’ve seen all day…so, you can guess where the next big outbreak is going to be….and the announcers I’m sure have been told to not mention it…just go on and on about how great it is to have fans back at the track…not that there is a pandemic raging through texas that is killing hundreds of people every day…nope, nothing about that…just happy talk about how they can’t wait to have more disease spreaders at the races and it’s a shame that they didn’t let more in today…Governor Whitmer, these morons are coming to Michigan soon, please don’t let them spread the virus more here by letting them have unmasked fans at the track…it just isn’t worth it to put the whole state at risk…or better yet, no fans at the track at all….it’s just not worth it…
Incompetence squared…
Well….I really don’t think there is language to describe how incompetent trump and his cronies are in response to the coronavirus pandemic….maybe incompetence squared? Fip floppy? Whinery? Strategery? Okay, that last one was from ole GW but it still fits these morons….and now, the head person that was coordinating the vaccine/treatment response has been demoted/fired for telling trump that any reccommendations for treatments for the virus need to be based on science and not on the idiot trump’s “gut feel”…the last one that trump and fox news harped on and pushed as the “cure” for the virus has been shown in studies to kill people and make outcomes worse than if they weren’t treated….so in addition to the deaths that idiot boy is responsible for by his inaction and stupidity, he is now responsible for touting a deadly treatment that does nothing but kill people. Now we learn that HHS secretary Azar has appointed a crony to head the coronavirus response whose only qualification is…wait for it…that he is a dog breeder…no medical or scientific experience at all. What’s next? Putting a horse breeder on charge of FEMA? Oh, that was ole GW who did that…what’s wrong? Was ‘heckofajob Browie” not available? These assholes are playing at government and costing American’s their lives and yet they still have 41% of the country that still supports them….I really do think that “Idiocracy” is a how to manual for these morons and we are going to die because of it….
People are back to being idiots….
Well…I was wrong the other day when I congratulated the people of Michigan for doing a good job on social distancing…at least about the idiots who are infesting the trails with the warmer weather…I mean 8 guys riding bikes in a group taking up the entire trail? And people having a frickin picnic in the pavilion with at least 20 people there….people…stop being idiots…you are going to get us old folks killed if you keep this crap up…you know, I was okay with all of the restrictions on everything but all of the stores keep ratcheting things up to the point where I won’t even be able to go grocery shopping with making people wait outside so only a certain number of people are in the stores at one time…and this is all spurred on by people being idiots and not distancing and taking the whole family to the grocery store for a damn outing….so, I’m going to do one more grocery run this week and stock up on everything I can and then plan on not being back there for a couple of months….so, I take it back Michigan….you are acting like idiots and we’re all gonna die…