Well…I was wrong the other day when I congratulated the people of Michigan for doing a good job on social distancing…at least about the idiots who are infesting the trails with the warmer weather…I mean 8 guys riding bikes in a group taking up the entire trail? And people having a frickin picnic in the pavilion with at least 20 people there….people…stop being idiots…you are going to get us old folks killed if you keep this crap up…you know, I was okay with all of the restrictions on everything but all of the stores keep ratcheting things up to the point where I won’t even be able to go grocery shopping with making people wait outside so only a certain number of people are in the stores at one time…and this is all spurred on by people being idiots and not distancing and taking the whole family to the grocery store for a damn outing….so, I’m going to do one more grocery run this week and stock up on everything I can and then plan on not beingĀ back there for a couple of months….so, I take it back Michigan….you are acting like idiots and we’re all gonna die…