Well….how’s that for a click bait headline? I wanted to add “until the virus is controlled” but that telegraphs a little too much so I didn’t. But it is true…you just need to take a look at Florida where the outbreak is uncontrolled and unemployment is skyrocketing to see it….who the hell is going to go out and spend money (other than the maga assholes) when there are 15,000 new cases a day and the government is doing nothing to stop it? Even here in Michigan where we were down to around 150 cases a day has seen them jump to over 600 a day with the re-opening of bars and people relaxing their social distancing that got us in control of the virus. So, the bars are closed again and more restrictions are in place for mask wearing in all stores to try to stop the increases…and even here, old people like me are not going out to the restaurants that are still open and even youngsters are apprehensive of trying to go back to their old lives so they don’t spend money either. Without demand, the economy is not coming back any time soon…ignoring the virus continues to make the economy worse across the country so we need to concentrate on controlling it first, and no amount of wishful thinking by the idiot trump or his toady governors is going to change that…and opening the schools and turning them into huge virus incubators that is going to kill teachers and children is not going to help anything…especially since the repubs don’t want to pay for safety measures that could possibly protect our vulnerable children…of course they don’t, once you’re born, you’re on you own with these assholes….