Well…I wrote a short one a few weeks back on the super spreader Sturgis Bike rally attended by a couple of hundred thousand right wing assholes who did absolutely nothing to keep from spreading the coronavirus…no masks, no social distancing, drinking in crowded bars, going to concerts…you get my drift….and I predicted that there would be an explosion of coronavirus from it that would be spread all over the country…and gee, I was right. A study released in the past few days estimated that this event caused over 250,000 cases of the disease and the costs for treatment of these cases was put at 12.2 billion dollars….yep, 12.2 billion dollars just so these assholes could exercise their “freedumb”…and “own the libs”….one estimate puts the cases tied to this moronic rally as almost 20% of the reported cases in the country and will almost certainly continue to spread the disease across the country. You know, I pretty damn tired of these cretins putting my life in danger every damn day just so they can go to frickin bar and not wear masks…..I know most of us here in Michigan are doing our part to slow the spread of the virus, but all it takes is one moron going to Sturgis to take all of that work and flush it down the drain….just like they should be….geez…