Well…if we didn’t already know that most Harley riders are maga asshats, just take a look at what is happening this week in Sturgis SD where a hundred thousand or more have gathered for the annual motorcycle rallye…take a look at the photos folks…packed shoulder to shoulder, bars open, and not a mask in sight…you want to see the next virus hotspot? Here it is….and every damn one of these morons spout off that they don’t care if they get the virus, their “freedom” will protect them…and many of them are still lying their asses off parroting the idiot trump that the virus is a “hoax” and only effects “demorats” so they are safe. Now, here is the wholesale stupidity that got trump into office…but I wonder how these idiot are going to feel when they take the virus home and kill other family members? Bye, bye grandma and some of their kids are probably going to die, too but that is an acceptable price to pay for “freedumb” if you listen to the talking points that are woven through every interview…and they are even berating the news people covering the virus spreading party since they are wearing masks and are not stupid…oh, well…I should be happy that this will thin out the herd of stupidity that infests this country…but, I’m not an asshole like these folks and I care that Americans are going to die just so these assholes can “own the libs” as they are so fond of saying….what abject stupidity…