Well….as the virus explodes again here in Michigan and our competent governor is forced to take steps again to stop the spread with closing dine in restaurants, bars, and schools for three weeks…we get the predictable comments from trump’s toady, Scott Atlas, who is supposed to be running the covid response…that the people of Michigan should “rise up” to stop the new restrictions…never mind that governor Whitman was the target of a kidnapping and murder scheme that was spurred on by the idiot’s comments on earlier restrictions and this comment will probably do the same this time for the gun-toting morons that belch “freedom” every time government tries to protect us from their stupidity. Look, trump’s cronies did nothing for Michigan when this pandemic started and are still doing nothing as we reach a million new cases a day in the US so they should just shut the hell up and stay out of Michigan’s business…and let our governor do what’s best for this state by listening to the experts and not some washed up doctor who is not an expert in anything but kissing trump’s ass….god, I can’t wait for these assholes to be gone…