Don’t negotiate with terrorists….

Well…with Michigan now the laughingstock of the country after the bully boys with their guns tried to get to the floor of house here yesterday, the only piece of advice I have for our governor is “don’t negotiate with terrorists”. Let’s be blunt…this storming of our state house is the definition of terrorism…”the use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims…”…can anyone say that having a bunch of screaming, armed, white men trying to get into your work place to force the “opening” of the state is not intimidation for political purposes? Then you have the idiot in chief weighing in yesterday with the idea that Whitmer should negotiate with these terrorists to make them go away….making these protests overtly political and no different that any other act of terroism on our soil…I mean, what’s next? Shooting some people to get their way? and the way that the cops reacted to these assholes was just as sick…laughing and joking with them as they tried to harm the people and buildings that are sworn to protect…I wonder what would have happened if these weren’t white, right wing thugs? Substitute black or Muslim and you’ll have your answer…we’d be mourning the dead and wondering how we got there.  I just don’t think our governor should yield one iota to these crybaby assholes…after all, she has a plan based on science and experts and I’m sure that there is not one expert on pandemics in that mob yesterday….

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