October 2nd

Well…man, this getting up around 5:30 every morning is getting pretty old and I’m worn out again today…and I wonder why the hell I’m being good if I’m going to feel like I did yesterday…had no energy at all and didn’t get anything done but the bike rides and I only did two of them the wind was blowing so hard…hurt my neck again so I’ll have to hit that with biofreeze before I get on the indoor bike for the first ride…have the grocery run to do today and I’m going to hit DD for some mushroom burger patties for 2 bucks a pound and then look around there for other bargains…no one has protein on sale this week so I’ll have to make due with the burger and then make some burritos…it’s only 45 degrees here and it’s not going to warm up til about 10 so I can have coffee after I get back here…have to hit menards this morning to get some fencing ties to fix the fence and get a new 5 gallon bucket since my old one started to leak and I need a bucket to mop the floors…and I need to do that today since I tracked dirt in on my riding shoes and it bugs the hell out of me to walk barefoot on it…so, I need to get going here by 6:30 so I can get out the door by 8…the grind to get to 10,000 starts today and I’ll hit 8,000 today…more later….

One more goal…

Well…when I was out on the bike this morning and heading toward 8,000 miles, it dawned on me that I still have 90 days left in the year to ride…so immediately I did the math in my head and realized to do 2,000 more miles to get to 10,000 would only take an average of 22.5 miles a day…so guess what? A new goal of 10,000 miles is now accepted and gives me something to shoot for instead of the vague one of just getting as many miles as I can…so for this last goal oriented year of riding, here we go to a new goal…and the thought hit me that if not now, when? I’m getting nothing but older and less capable so this is it if I’m ever going to get into 5 figures for a year…so, I’ll get started piling on the miles tomorrow after just doing two rides and 25 miles today…just too strong of winds out there and after all of the work yesterday, I need a recovery day to just clean a bit…and I hurt my neck pulling into the wind that really does need some rest…

Trump lies, of course…

Well…with the devastation that hurricane Helene left behind in Georgia and NC, the shameless liar trump spewed lies lies and more lies about the response to the disaster and blatantly tried to use it for political purposes saying that “maga areas of the states have been abandoned” by Biden and he is not even taking phone calls from the governors of those states…the only problem with that is that governor Kemp of Georgia debunked that lie an almost real time saying that he talked to Biden Sunday and is in almost contact with the federal agencies that Biden has mobilized to deal with the disaster…and guess who didn’t ask the governor to kiss his ass before he’s send any aid at all…yeah, trump did that but Biden didn’t…with Biden and Harris, it’s all hands on deck to bring the full force of the federal government to help the affected areas…but, in the 2025 project the the idiot trump says he will implement, these types of efforts will be left to the states and they will have to fend for themselves…look, there are things that should be the purview of the feds like these disasters…no one state can shoulder the burden and shouldn’t have to…but they hate the federal government so much they don’t care…they just want to prove the point that government doesn’t wok…and they are doing their best to make sure that’s true…geez…

October 1st

Well…another month starts and I am frickin sore today…might even have to take some ibuprofen before I get on the bike today…I was hoping to be able to take a little time off but the rain missed to the north so I’ll be on the bike by 8…not sure if I’ll do three rides today…probably not but we’ll see…got all the work I had to do this week done yesterday other than cleaning in here so a two ride day would help me get that jump started…if my ballot doesn’t get here by Thursday, I’m going over to the city clerk to find out why…they were supposed to be mailed out last Thursday and it shouldn’t take a week to go 4 blocks….it’s going to be down in the 60′s for highs for a while so I’ll need to adjust riding to it and wear some warmer clothes…I am going to buy some rechargeable heated gloves for this winter since I seem to be more sensitive to the cold as I get older…and maybe follow that up with some heated socks…the I could ride comfortably right through the winter if it doesn’t ice the trail over…I can ride the roads here I guess like I did last winter…but I don’t want to think about that right now…still going out in shorts for the next couple of weeks…damn, my right hip hurts this morning…okay…everything hurts and it would be easier to name the parts that don’t hurt…not much to do today…I feel good that I got so much done yesterday but at the end of it, I was so worn out…damn, I hate getting old…just need to do the rides and get the grocery list made up…need to stop at menards tomorrow to get some fencing ties since all of them are missing where I removed the shrub yesterday…and I’m missing a lot of them all along the fence….more later…