Well….I have been thinking and thinking about a political one to do with absolutely no luck…how can you maintain outrage when everything that the right does is outrageous? There was on thing from Wisconsin where a federal court stuck down the “admitting privileges” crap law that did nothing for the safety of women…just another attempt to limit their healthcare choices…I wonder when women are going to get tired of a bunch of guys telling them what they can and can’t do with their own bodies? What else? Let me go look at a few news websites to see if there is anything going on….oh, more from Wisconsin…the repubs in charge there want to repeal a law that says the employers have to give workers a day off every week…the law was in response to employers forcing their workers to work months at a time without a day off for rest…but the repubs, who hate everyone who is not an owner…just don’t give a damm…they won’t ever be in those conditions again so they think everyone else that is just not important…and their big donors have been pushing for more ways to abuse their workers for a long time now….is there any question why I just hate the repubs? geez….