Tag Archives: abortion

It’s about time…

Well…finally, Joe Biden is going on the attack against the idiot trump and has chosen a winner of a way to do it…abortion…even in red states, overturning Roe has been a political loser in every election since the corrupt SC ignored precedent and took away women’s rights across this country…and idiot boy keeps bragging to the forced birthers that “he” did it…that he made women second class citizens in many states, most of them red,…when you look at the polls, only about 30% of the people across the country wants abortion outlawed and they feel that it is a subject between a woman and her doctor and no one else…but the tiny minority that wants women to die instead of aborting a dead fetus, like in Texas, have gleefully mad more and more draconian laws that have already killed women and they don’t care…so, I’m glad that Joe is hitting idiot boy hard…women’s rights is a winning issue that we need to use to pound these assholes…geez…

Marco Rubio is still evil…

Well…with the do nothing repubs fleeing town after playing politics with funding to fight the Zika virus that has invaded the US, most strongly in Florida, little Marco Rubio has weighed in on the birth defects that come from the infection. In an interview the other day, ole Marco said that since he is “strongly pro life” (or forced birth), he thinks pregnant women who may be infected with the virus shouldn’t be able to get abortions…or any women for that matter. Never mind that babies born with the defects will need a lifetime of specialized care running into the millions of dollars or that the stress of caring for one of these kids can shorten the lives of the mothers…no, no abortion for any reason is the only thing that ole Marco can say. Having a not too bright politician determine the direction of a woman’s life is just wrong on so many levels but that is what the repubs are all about…they sure don’t give a damn about woman’s health in this country…one of little Marco’s compatriots in Florida made the statement “there have always been birth defects…what’s so special about these?” That about sums up the cruel, evil repubs these days….geez…

Shredding the constitution in Oklahoma…

Well…I am so damned tired of the repubs talking out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to the constitution…always waving copies in peoples faces and saying how much they revere it, and then going back to the legislatures they control and passing blatantly unconstitutional laws. This is happening across the country wherever repubs are in control…from NC to Mississippi and now Oklahoma where the latest these idiots have done is pass a law taking the medical licenses away from any doctor who performs an abortion…yeah, a perfectly legal procedure is being criminalized by idiots that just don’t understand that federal law trumps state law….this from a state that can’t educate it’s kids because of the tax cuts they have given to the rich and crying that there just isn’t any money left, but they have no problem spending millions to defend this blatantly illegal law. What the hell is wrong with the repubs in this country? When did they get so stupid? I just can’t understand why anyone votes for these idiots who obviously don’t have a clue how government works…I just can’t believe this crap….geez…

Mike Huckabee is still an idiot…

Well…I am just amazed at the crap that comes out of this guy’s mouth…if he is not comparing the “oppression” of Christians in the US to the Holocaust, he is going off about what he will do if he is elected president…and that includes ramming his religion down everyone’s throat. The latest this frickin idiot spewed is that, when president, he will use the army and the FBI to go after and lock up anyone who performs abortions in the US…nevermind that using the army on US soil is illegal and that abortion is still legal…he thinks that any president can pick and choose what supreme court rulings he has to follow….I wonder if he understands the oath of office that includes “to protect the constitution”? Nope…but the good thing is, he will NEVER be president…what an ass…geez…

Still no politics…

Well….I have been thinking and thinking about a political one to do with absolutely no luck…how can you maintain outrage when everything that the right does is outrageous? There was on thing from Wisconsin where a federal court stuck down the “admitting privileges” crap law that did nothing for the safety of women…just another attempt to limit their healthcare choices…I wonder when women are going to get tired of a bunch of guys telling them what they can and can’t do with their own bodies?  What else?  Let me go look at a few news websites to see if there is anything going on….oh, more from Wisconsin…the repubs in charge there want to repeal a law that says the employers have to give workers a day off every week…the law was in response to employers forcing their workers to work months at a time without a day off for rest…but the repubs, who hate everyone who is not an owner…just don’t give a damm…they won’t ever be in those conditions again so they think everyone else that is just not important…and their big donors have been pushing for more ways to abuse their workers for a long time now….is there any question why I just hate the repubs?  geez….

This is what it’s going to be like…

Well…didn’t have to wait too long to see what at a repub dominated congress was going to look like and you only have to see the first three things they worked on to know…the first thing…the very first thing was to pass a bill to cut SS disability payments and to forbid borrowing from the retirement trust fund to pay for the disability side….nevermind that this has been done 15 times in the past 30 years with no effect on retirees and it is the first step in their plan to privatize the disability portion of SS and then the rest of the programs…..the second thing was watering down of Wall street regulations…allowing more of the shenanigans that melted down the economy in 2008…and the third is the 20 week abortion ban that these asses are salivating at and thing will lead to the repeal of Roe v. Wade…never mind that the supreme court has said that these bans are illegal…but you and I know the repubs only pay attention to the Constitution when it suits their partisan goals…..get out the veto pen Obama….you’re going to need it….

Rick Perry is still an idiot…

Well…how many times do I have to say “Rick Perry is still an idiot”? It seems that every day that idiot comes out with a new bit of stupidity the tops the last one…the latest was from a few days ago where he basically said that Joan Rivers would still be alive if New York had the same draconion abortion restrictions they have in Texas…you know, where all of the clinics there have to be mini hospitals with a certain width hallways, bigger doors, and other things that have nothing to do with the services being performed…since when does a wider hallway have anything to do with a woman’s health? The only thing these restrictions do is put the clinics out of business since they are not there to make huge profits and can’t afford to rebuild their buildings. Using this logic, whey haven’t  they put these same restrictions on oral surgery clinics? Statistics show that oral surgery is more dangerous than getting an abortion as is knee surgery and every other outpatient surgery. The final fact is that the clinic where Joan Rivers was treated met all of the Texas requirements….but she died anyway…what a moron…geez…

Spending our tax dollars for ideology…

Well…with the repubs in control here in Michigan, you can continue to expect that they will put their ideology ahead of jobs or roads or anything else the state needs…and the latest is the three new anti abortion laws that were just introduced that would make abortion illegal if you can hear a fetal heartbeat….just another attempt to take control of women’s bodies away from them…and one that is clearly unconstitutional when you read Roe v. Wade and the recent court decisions that have struck down these exact bills in other states…but, that won’t stop the repubs here from passing these bills and then paying for prolonged court fights with yours and my tax dollars. What the hell is wrong with these people? Are they just too stupid to read that the courts will never allow these bills to take effect? Or, are they just blinded by ideology and can’t help themselves? The one thing I can’t understand is why any woman would vote for these pricks…geez…

Not sure what to write…

Well…haven’t been thinking too much about what to write today but I do need to find something so I don’t get too far behind….maybe I’ll take a second look at the papers and see if there is anything there….oh, maybe we should all boycott Florida until they become humans again…I mean, letting ole Zimmerman off for killing a kid but then putting a black woman in jail for 20 years for shooting at her boyfriend (and missing) while he was beating her? No matter what anyone says, racism is alive and well and institutionalized in Florida. Then we have the repubs across this country seemingly unable to do anything but think, talk, and legislate against abortion when even their constituents don’t want that crap from them…so who are they representing? I am damn tired of having these religious nuts getting their way when they only represent about 15% of the people, the hard right that wants to turn this country into a theocracy. Maybe there is a little hope with the filibuster deal that was reached in the senate today….as I’ve said, the repubs only respect power and that Harry Reid finally used his is a good sign…but ole Mitch McConnell acted like the spoiled brat he is and opposed it….now, ole Harry just needs to use the nuke when, not if, the repubs renege on the agreement…

Okay…some politics…

Well…I have been sitting here today trying to make sense of the crap that is coming out of the repubs these days…the supposed party of smaller government is on a tear in the upper plains states with their major attacks being on women…big surprise…with these idiots passing clearly unconstitutional laws on abortion just to prove a point? Then, they will spends millions of lawyers fees to try to defend the laws when they know they will be struck down…the same thing the repubs are doing with DOMA in the US House…and you know what I think? I think they just don’t care..if they can find another way to take tax money and give it to their rich lawyer buddies while denying Medicaid to the poor…just another case of welfare for the rich. Just like those pricks and I can’t wait for 2014 to make them all go away…geez…