Well…I guess the modern repub party is against education, experience, orderliness, and competency….just today, ole Marco responded to the dream team of appointees from Joe with a whiny little screed that ended up with these people will be “polite and orderly caretakers of American decline…I have no interest in returning to the normal that left us dependent on China”…Marco, Marco….you and your trump buddies decimated American agriculture with your stupid trade war with China that China won….and your support of the chaos that trump brought to the world has resulted in the decline of American influence in the world…if you think we are better off after 4 years of trump’s stupidity, you are one delusional little moron….260,000 dead, the second wave of the virus crashing across the country, 20 million people out of work, 25 million in danger of homelessness, and food lines stretching for miles….if that is not “American decline” I don’t know what is and it happened on your watch you stupid little shit. And, as always, we dems have to come in and clean up the mess that you and trump and your cronies left this country in…and I’ll take polite and orderly any day after the thievery and chaos you helped trump foist upon this country…you are dumber than a box of rocks….
Tag Archives: Marco Rubio
Don’t get too excited by Comey…
Well…there is so much hype building about Thursday’s Comey testimony to the senate, I think it’s time to throttle that back a little…I’m pretty sure that there are not going to be any bombshells in the testimony given that Comey is not going to want to screw up the investigation for Mueller by saying anything that may interfere with that investigation…I think it will be more that “yes he met with the idiot trump” but there will be not much else in it…he will let Mueller build the case that he knows is there for obstruction of justice. On that note, we have trump having Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio to the WH tonight to coordinate the obstruction….since Cotton and Rubio are going to be two senators that are going to be asking Comey questions Thursday…anyone want to bet that all of their questions are going to be about the bad, bad leaks that are the real problem? One thing to watch for is the threat that the idiot trump made to live tweet Comey’s testimony to try to call him a liar, I guess….that could be fun to see….stay tuned….impeach…
Marco Rubio is still evil…
Well…with the do nothing repubs fleeing town after playing politics with funding to fight the Zika virus that has invaded the US, most strongly in Florida, little Marco Rubio has weighed in on the birth defects that come from the infection. In an interview the other day, ole Marco said that since he is “strongly pro life” (or forced birth), he thinks pregnant women who may be infected with the virus shouldn’t be able to get abortions…or any women for that matter. Never mind that babies born with the defects will need a lifetime of specialized care running into the millions of dollars or that the stress of caring for one of these kids can shorten the lives of the mothers…no, no abortion for any reason is the only thing that ole Marco can say. Having a not too bright politician determine the direction of a woman’s life is just wrong on so many levels but that is what the repubs are all about…they sure don’t give a damn about woman’s health in this country…one of little Marco’s compatriots in Florida made the statement “there have always been birth defects…what’s so special about these?” That about sums up the cruel, evil repubs these days….geez…
Bye, bye, little Marco….
Well…as expected, Little Marco Rubio got his butt kicked in his home state last night…winning only the county he lives in…which led to him dropping out of the race…and the concession speech was one that turned my stomach…where he decried the coarsening of the campaign by the rhetoric that was, to be generous, trashy on the right…something he was partially responsible for with his dick jokes at the last debate. But, the worst part was his invoking of god 30 times during the speech…saying that god said it was just not his time…now, if this idiot truly believes that god has a hand in an of this, then god must want the Donald to win since he is far ahead of everyone else and looks like he will get the nomination. To go back a little farther and extend this line of thinking, then god must have wanted Obama to win, too, since he won two terms….how does that square with the right’s supposed monopoly on god’s good graces? Just glad this little empty suit is going to be nowhere near the presidency….he’s never done any job he was elected to, and the presidency would be no different…geez….
Little Marco’s 2.1 GPA…
Well….have been reading a lot lately as I try to recover from this darn bug and ran across a funny little tidbit of information that describes Little Marco Rubio to a T…..some enterprising reporter was digging through his past and found his high school transcripts and the GPA he achieved explained a lot of what we see today….now, a 2.1 GPA is nothing spectacular…that’s just a bit better than a C and really shows that his backers who think he is a brilliant person or politician have got it all wrong…I mean a C average? Cripes I had a 3.4 average and I skipped 46 days in my junior year while I was working full time….what this makes me think is of the consistency of his lack of effort in everything he has ever done…skipping his job in the Florida legislature and then skipping his duties in the US senate…and half heartedly campaigning for president….depending on his rich backers and the next big thing he is going to do to ensure he does his present job in a half-assed way he has done everything in his life….now, to base an evaluation of this guys entire life on his high school GPA is not something I would normally do, but when he continues that same slacker mentality through everything he has ever done, it is one part of the puzzle that shows he is not a serious person….just another grifter looking for the next payday…geez…
The brilliance of Marco Rubio….
Well…was just reading a few articles on the intertubes and came upon this comment from ole Marco that had me laughing out loud at his brilliance…(snark)….after the super Tuesday primaries and caucases, he was asked why he didn’t do better than he did…and ole Marco answered with this brilliance…”if there weren’t so many people running, I would have won most of the states”….let that one sink in for a minute…he uses the excuse that there are just too darn many people running so people can’t see that he is the most qualified and would make the bestest president of all…this is what you get when you have a repub empty suit running…who has never accomplished anything in his life other than making friends with billionaires and trying to memorize a bunch of talking points…I kind of wish he would get the nomination so that either Hillary or Bernie would just destroy him in the debates…but, that is not going to happen…and that doesn’t make me sad at all….
These guys are just the worst…
Well…no pool today so I thought I’d come back here and do another one of these…and I did find a topic the really needs to be addressed..that this crop of repubs are just the worst people in the world. We start with Ted Cruz who made the statement the other day that if he is elected, he will sell off or give all of the national parks and land owned by the federal government back to the states to do with what they please….and in repub controlled states, you know what that means…oil drilling in Yellowstone or strip mining in Yosemite. The heritage of Teddy Roosevelt and the American people be damned if there is profit to be made for the 1%. Then we had ole Marco Rubio show his repub core when he said that any aliens here and legal under the DREAM act, kids that were brought here when they were children, will be deported on day one…never mind that this will tear families apart and cause economic distress for his owners, this son of immigrants will shut the door on anyone else getting what he had…a chance to contribute to this great country…well…Marco hasn’t contributed anything but hate and we don’t need more of that. Then, last of all, we have the senate repubs now sending out fundraising letters touting their obstruction and not doing their jobs in holding hearings on a new supreme court justice…in what world is it a badge of honor to not do your job? Just the worst people….but that makes the choice this fall even more clear…folks that want the country to be better…and these folks that do nothing but hate…geez…
Marco Rubio is a robot…
Well….didn’t watch the repub debate last night since they are all the same as I’ve said before….but, there was one theme that came through in all of the commentary…and it made me laugh…Marco Rubio is a robot that had a glitch in his programming…in one three minute span, he gave the same canned answer three times…and the answers had nothing to do with the questions….to me, this shows just how unqualified this idiot is to be president…if he can’t think on his feet and formulate new answers to questions, how would he handle the uncertainty that comes with the job? Is he going to ask Putin to submit his challenges in advance so his people will have time to drill the answers into him? This is one of the problems that I see with politics these days…no one on the right has the intellect to take in new information and synthesize new answers without first running it by their pollsters to see if it will hurt them if they say it…even if it is the truth. After last night, I can’t see how anyone would think the empty suit Rubio is qualified to do anything other than managing a Mc Donald’s….and he would have to have his “people” help him with that…..geez….
Marco Rubio is just an ass….
Well…finally found something to write about when I just read an article where ole Marco was making jokes about the blizzard that just pounded the east coast…you know the one…that killed 30 people…and this ass is making jokes about it…that it “could be one of the best thing to happen to the republic…that Obama’s executive order pen is frozen..” yeah, he actually is making light of this huge tragedy and the effects it has on 30 families…but that doesn’t matter to this crass, little idiot…the only thing that matters to him is trying to score cheap political points to show how “smart” he is….hey Marco…why don’t you try showing up for the job the American people pay you for instead of trying to out Cruz Cruz….what an ass….geez…..
Marco Rubio truly is a stupid man…
Well….I really have to wonder if the repub candidates are as stupid as they sound…I mean, how can they be? The latest from ole Marco has me shaking my head at the sheer, unmitigated stupidity that continues to come out of his mouth. On Christmas eve…ole Marco went out and bought a handgun and you’ll never guess his reasoning…if you can call it that…he bought it to protect his family when ISIS attacks….I mean these guys are starting to really believe their delusions…that ISIS is the only danger to the US and that a “good guy with a gun” is the only way to stop them. That, in itself, should be enough to disqualify him from gun ownership…I mean, that is surely a sign of mental illness, isn’t it? That this idiot is even being considered to be president just make me shake my head and wonder if we really have gone too far down the tubes…geez…