These guys are just the worst…

Well…no pool today so I thought I’d come back here and do another one of these…and I did find a topic the really needs to be addressed..that this crop of repubs are just the worst people in the world. We start with Ted Cruz who made the statement the other day that if he is elected, he will sell off or give all of the national parks and land owned by the federal government back to the states to do with what they please….and in repub controlled states, you know what that means…oil drilling in Yellowstone or strip mining in Yosemite. The heritage of Teddy Roosevelt and the American people be damned if there is profit to be made for the 1%. Then we had ole Marco Rubio show his repub core when he said that any aliens here and legal under the DREAM act, kids that were brought here when they were children, will be deported on day one…never mind that this will tear families apart and cause economic distress for his owners, this son of immigrants will shut the door on anyone else getting what he had…a chance to contribute to this great country…well…Marco hasn’t contributed anything but hate and we don’t need more of that. Then, last of all, we have the senate repubs now sending out fundraising letters touting their obstruction and not doing their jobs in holding hearings on a new supreme court justice…in what world is it a badge of honor to not do your job?  Just the worst people….but that makes the choice this fall even more clear…folks that want the country to be better…and these folks that do nothing but hate…geez…

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