Bye, bye, little Marco….

Well…as expected, Little Marco Rubio got his butt kicked in his home state last night…winning only the county he lives in…which led to him dropping out of the race…and the concession speech was one that turned my stomach…where he decried the coarsening of the campaign by the rhetoric that was, to be generous, trashy on the right…something he was partially responsible for with his dick jokes at the last debate. But, the worst part was his invoking of god 30 times during the speech…saying that god said it was just not his time…now, if this idiot truly believes that god has a hand in an of this, then god must want the Donald to win since he is far ahead of everyone else and looks like he will get the nomination. To go back a little farther and extend this line of thinking, then god must have wanted Obama to win, too, since he won two terms….how does that square with the right’s supposed monopoly on god’s good graces? Just glad this little empty suit is going to be nowhere near the presidency….he’s never done any job he was elected to, and the presidency would be no different…geez….

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