Well…I guess the modern repub party is against education, experience, orderliness, and competency….just today, ole Marco responded to the dream team of appointees from Joe with a whiny little screed that ended up with these people will be “polite and orderly caretakers of American decline…I have no interest in returning to the normal that left us dependent on China”…Marco, Marco….you and your trump buddies decimated American agriculture with your stupid trade war with China that China won….and your support of the chaos that trump brought to the world has resulted in the decline of American influence in the world…if you think we are better off after 4 years of trump’s stupidity, you are one delusional little moron….260,000 dead, the second wave of the virus crashing across the country, 20 million people out of work, 25 million in danger of homelessness, and food lines stretching for miles….if that is not “American decline” I don’t know what is and it happened on your watch you stupid little shit. And, as always, we dems have to come in and clean up the mess that you and trump and your cronies left this country in…and I’ll take polite and orderly any day after the thievery and chaos you helped trump foist upon this country…you are dumber than a box of rocks….