Tag Archives: Guns

Marco Rubio truly is a stupid man…

Well….I really have to wonder if the repub candidates are as stupid as they sound…I mean, how can they be? The latest from ole Marco has me shaking my head at the sheer, unmitigated stupidity that continues to come out of his mouth. On Christmas eve…ole Marco went out and bought a handgun and you’ll never guess his reasoning…if you can call it that…he bought it to protect his family when ISIS attacks….I mean these guys are starting to really believe their delusions…that ISIS is the only danger to the US and that a “good guy with a gun” is the only way to stop them. That, in itself, should be enough to disqualify him from gun ownership…I mean, that is surely a sign of mental illness, isn’t it? That this idiot is even being considered to be president just make me shake my head and wonder if we really have gone too far down the tubes…geez…

I’m tired or writing about these….

Well…another day, another mass shooting here in the US and I really don’t know what to say…that is 355 of these this year…that’s right, more than one a day so far this year and the only thing we get out of the repubs is more sympathy for the victims…you know what? I’m tired of sympathy and treating this crap as if it is inevitable….there is something to be done if the repubs will just get off their asses and do it…from background checks to limiting the kinds of guns that can be bought to buybacks of guns to get them off the street. Something needs to be done and that is not more hand wringing….it not “more guns everywhere” it is not a “good guy with a gun”….it is admitting that there are just too many damn guns that have no purpose other than kill other people…and I have had enough….geez…

The NRA are a bunch of hypocrites…

Well…as you know, I think the NRA is made up of a bunch of crazies that think the solution to every problem is more and more guns everywhere….but, with this latest bunch of news, they are a bunch of hypocrites, too. These idiots have been behind all of the “open carry” nonsense where their members go around carrying guns everywhere just to piss people off…and they think they should be able to carry their guns anywhere…but not the NRA convention. They have just announced the rules for their convention and it does not allow operational guns anywhere in the convention…yep, these hypocrites that want people carrying working guns everywhere won’t allow them in their convention….I wonder why? Could it be that their whole open carry nonsense is just a sham to make more money for their manufacturers? And when it could cause the people running the NRA some danger by the idiots that they have worked up into a frenzy about gun rights? It’s pretty clear that they see weapons all over their convention as a danger either from accidents or deliberate shooting…what happened to the false “good guy with a gun” meme that thy have been pushing for years? If that was true, letting their members have working guns would make it the safest place in world but we all know that is a lie…and the lie couldn’t have been better revealed by not allowing guns at their convention…what a bunch of hypocrites…geez…

A good guy with a gun didn’t stop the bad guy…

Well…it seems like every day there is a new story about a shooting here in the US and the refrain from the NRA folks is always “we need more guns since a good guy with a gun is the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun” but that nonsense was blown up with the shootings in Vegas last week. The criminals that shot the two officers there last week and then went into a Walmart to continue killing people were confronted by a “good guy with a gun” and they shot him dead…since the good guy didn’t have tactical training..or any training for that matter…just the rubber stamp that allows people to conceal carry across the country, the puffed up craziness that comes with a lot of these folks kicked in and he thought he was going to be a hero…not so much.  I am just so tired of the gun nuts here in the US making everyday life much less safe than it was when I was growing up…geez…

This is just stupid…

Well…have been reading this morning as I always do and came upon a little article that just focused on how stupid the states that are controlled by repubs have become…in Virginia, Texas, and other states, it is illegal to carry signs or flags on sticks into the state capital since they are “dangerous weapons” and can be used to injure people…but, in those same states, it is perfectly legal to carry handguns and rifles into these same capitals…in Virginia, while they were confiscating the signs that gun violence protesters were carrying, a group of gun rights protesters were waved through the same checkpoints carrying loaded assault rifles and pistols I guess since guns are never dangerous. In Texas, female visitors to the capitol had their tampons confiscated since they were also “dangerous weapons” while gun owners were allowed to carry their guns in strapped across their backs. What the hell is happening in this country? Have all the red states put stupid drugs in the water supply? I can’t think of any other explanation…geez…

A surprise for the gun nuts in Kansas…

Well…I guess they never saw this one coming…after the repub Kansas legislature passed a new law that would allow teachers to carry guns in their classrooms, the insurance company that writes 90% of the insurance for Kansas schools said they will not cover any school where the teachers carry guns…citing study after study that you are much more likely to get shot by someone that you know or a family member than you are by a stranger…I can only speculate that the insurance company thinks facts trump ideology…something you never have to worry about with the repubs….oh, and the other companies that cover the remaining 10% said exactly the same thing…no guns or no coverage….wonder what the repubs will do now? Embrace big government socialism and self-insure? Can these folks get any more stupid? Geez…

What’s with all the gun threats?

Well…I’m not sure why this is happening, but I think it may be the rise of the tea party idiots out there and their limited ability to think of anything but being bullies. I am startled to read of all of the gun threats by the tea partiers from the governor of Maine to this nut that is organizing the armed march on Washington DC….and I am really getting tired of these bullies using the protections of the 2nd amendment to get their way outside the normal processes that make democracies work. First, the governor of Maine was smacked down by the legislature there when he tried to run over the house processes and intrude on a legislative meeting that he was not invited to…the one thing he doesn’t understand is that being governor is not being king…you just don’t get to do whatever you want and the dems in legislature were all to happy to make him follow the rules. So, what does this tea party idiot do? He starts to scream that his first amendment rights are being violated since they won’t let him intrude into their meeting and bully everyone there and then says “it looks like we’ll have to go home, roll up our sleeves and get our guns”, threatening that if he doesn’t get his way he will start shooting people that don’t agree with him. Then we have the Russian tea party idiot that is organizing the armed march on DC who, when told by the DC chief of police that they will be arrested if they show up in DC armed, has a new idea…to get groups of armed people to head to all of the state legislatures and try to force them to disband the US…yep, you heard it this guy now wants to commit treason…what I think the feds should do is go find this idiot and lock him up before he really does shoot someone…it is a crime to threaten the safety of the US after all…and he has already committed a felony by proposing this nonsense…it’s just the same old thing…bullies that think they don’t need to follow the law or any rules…that’s the modern repub party in a nutshell…geez…

Brave Americans don’t need guns…

Well…with the astounding obtuseness that the right is showing on the issue of gun control, I wish I would have thought of the title for this one myself, but I read it earlier this morning in a comment thread on Daily Kos about the NRA’s comments that the only way to prevent more gun violence is more, and more, and more guns. While I have been a hunter in my past life and a supporter of responsible gun ownership, the absolutist nonsense of the right that there can be no restrictions of any kind on gun ownership is just too far out there for me…and the idea that we are safer when everyone is carrying a gun is just one of the stupidist things I have ever heard. We have placed many restrictions on the rights that are guaranteed in the bill of rights; think of the libel laws that do restrict your first amendment rights, or the evolution of the rights that are contained in the fourth, so I think that some restrictions on the second can and should be done…especially since almost 80% of the gun violence is done by people using guns that were purchased at unrestricted gun shows where no background checks are necessary. I just want to end with this… I do believe in the title of this piece…and I will be one of the brave Americans who will live my life without guns or fear that is stoked by the right to further their own ends…geez…

The gun thing again…

Well…with the tragedy in Arizona, I would have thought that we would step back and think about our gun laws; keeping the right to own them, but with some common-sense restrictions that would minimize the danger to the general public. But, what do we see here in Michigan? We have the repubs pushing now to remove all restrictions on where you can carry guns along with making it easier to get a concealed carry permit. Right now here, you can’t carry a gun into a school, bar, or government building…but these guys want these slight restrictions to go away…I for one don’t want to be in a bar with anyone carrying a weapon and when my children were small, I would not have wanted anyone carrying a firearm around them. As you know, I am a firm supporter of the second amendment, but as our society has changed, I feel that gun laws should do the same…why should the rest of us be uncomfortable when a small minority want to show off how tough they are by carrying weapons? Okay, that’s not quite fair….I would trust most of the people that I know that own guns to be responsible in public, but what about mistakes? What about the statistics that say that most people who are harmed by guns in home robberies are hurt by their own guns? I can’t grasp how this group can be so adamant about their 2nd amendment rights, and then think it’s just fine for the government to take away our 4th amendment ones.

I don’t know what the solution is, but I do know that common sense says that the more people you expose to dangerous things, the more injuries there will be. Geez…

I don’t agree, Keith…

Well…just as I predicted, many commentators are using the Arizona tragedy to try to further their political goals…and the attacks by the left on Sarah Palin, particularly by Keith Olbermann have me dismayed…but, I guess he’s not one of the reasonables that I talk about. Let’s get this straight at the top….the shooter was just frickin crazy; no political component to it, no connection to the abhorrent, hate filled speech from the right or to SP’s crosshair imagery…just another nut that heard the voices in his head and acted on it. So, what do we take away from this? is there anything to take away from this? There have been calls for tighter gun laws that may have prevented this nut from getting guns but we all know that it’s not true. Even if all guns were outlawed, rounded up and destroyed, it would take an enterprising criminal about 10 seconds to figure out how to make a profit and supply the underground demand that would result. What would have stopped this nut from just ramming his car into the crowd?

I didn’t really think about it until now but I guess this is somewhat of a defense of gun owners, most of whom are responsible and their legal guns never used for any purpose than what they are supposed to be used for. I grew up around them and many friends still own them…not once have they used them for illegal purposes. That said, there is a problem with them here in the US….just saw a statistic that between 1979 and 1997, more people were killed by guns in the US than in all of the wars we’ve fought since 1775…it makes the 3,000 plus killed on 9/11 kind of pale by comparison. I don’t have the solution..but I do know that it is wrong to exploit this tragedy for political purposes…shame on everyone that does…geez…