The gun thing again…

Well…with the tragedy in Arizona, I would have thought that we would step back and think about our gun laws; keeping the right to own them, but with some common-sense restrictions that would minimize the danger to the general public. But, what do we see here in Michigan? We have the repubs pushing now to remove all restrictions on where you can carry guns along with making it easier to get a concealed carry permit. Right now here, you can’t carry a gun into a school, bar, or government building…but these guys want these slight restrictions to go away…I for one don’t want to be in a bar with anyone carrying a weapon and when my children were small, I would not have wanted anyone carrying a firearm around them. As you know, I am a firm supporter of the second amendment, but as our society has changed, I feel that gun laws should do the same…why should the rest of us be uncomfortable when a small minority want to show off how tough they are by carrying weapons? Okay, that’s not quite fair….I would trust most of the people that I know that own guns to be responsible in public, but what about mistakes? What about the statistics that say that most people who are harmed by guns in home robberies are hurt by their own guns? I can’t grasp how this group can be so adamant about their 2nd amendment rights, and then think it’s just fine for the government to take away our 4th amendment ones.

I don’t know what the solution is, but I do know that common sense says that the more people you expose to dangerous things, the more injuries there will be. Geez…

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