Well…it seems like every day there is a new story about a shooting here in the US and the refrain from the NRA folks is always “we need more guns since a good guy with a gun is the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun” but that nonsense was blown up with the shootings in Vegas last week. The criminals that shot the two officers there last week and then went into a Walmart to continue killing people were confronted by a “good guy with a gun” and they shot him dead…since the good guy didn’t have tactical training..or any training for that matter…just the rubber stamp that allows people to conceal carry across the country, the puffed up craziness that comes with a lot of these folks kicked in and he thought he was going to be a hero…not so much. I am just so tired of the gun nuts here in the US making everyday life much less safe than it was when I was growing up…geez…