Tag Archives: Virgina

This is just stupid…

Well…have been reading this morning as I always do and came upon a little article that just focused on how stupid the states that are controlled by repubs have become…in Virginia, Texas, and other states, it is illegal to carry signs or flags on sticks into the state capital since they are “dangerous weapons” and can be used to injure people…but, in those same states, it is perfectly legal to carry handguns and rifles into these same capitals…in Virginia, while they were confiscating the signs that gun violence protesters were carrying, a group of gun rights protesters were waved through the same checkpoints carrying loaded assault rifles and pistols I guess since guns are never dangerous. In Texas, female visitors to the capitol had their tampons confiscated since they were also “dangerous weapons” while gun owners were allowed to carry their guns in strapped across their backs. What the hell is happening in this country? Have all the red states put stupid drugs in the water supply? I can’t think of any other explanation…geez…

Delusions and lies…

Well…just read an interesting article about the post mortem of the Virgina races that was done by one of the higher ups in the RNC and all I can say is that these folks really have gone over the line into delusions…what this idiot comes out and says is that the conventional wisdom that they lost the election because they were too far to the right is just wrong…if they had only talked more about taking way womens rights, about hating gays, and the ACA, they would have won in a landslide…no matter what the polls said…they were just not mean and assholish enough. The only thing I have to say to that is “please proceed” keep reminding people that you don’t care about anyone unless they are rich and white…people will just flock to that kind of message and vote you in for life. They just don’t get that the country is getting away from them…and with these changes, they can’t even beat a weak dem candidate for governor.

Oh, the lies part…just one more reason to understand what the repub party has become…they have set up a fake website in California and sent out official fliers on official stationary sending people to the fake website that is full of lies about the ACA that have all been debunked…and the taxpayers of Cali are footing the bill for this crap…I hope the repubs feel good when they convince people to not sign up for insurance and they either go bankrupt when a medical emergency happens or they die since they don’t get the care they need….what a bunch of absolute assholes….geez…

The republicans are still idiots…

Well…read a couple of interesting articles over the past couple of days and a few thoughts have been jelling, so I thought I’d try to make some sense of them…first, if you’ve been following the news at all lately, one of the attack lines ole Mitt and the other repubs have been using is the tired old idea that government spending can’t create jobs and the stimulus program was a failure because of that “fact”….and they go on, and on, and on about it almost every time they open their mouths…so I find it increasingly funny that the repubs in the house are issuing dire warnings about what will happen to Virginia and other heavily military dependent states if the cuts to military spending are allowed to happen the first of the year. The repub governor of Virginia even went so far as to say that the “hairdressers, restaurants, hardware stores, and all other businesses” will be hurt if spending drops. Okay, let me get this straight…government spending can’t create jobs but when it stops it can destroy jobs? Logic would seem to dictate that these jobs must have been created by government spending if stopping the spending will destroy them….oh, I almost forgot, the repubs don’t use logic, just gut feeling and fairy dust. I am so disappointed that some reporter hasn’t gone up to ole Mitt and asked him to explain this conundrum…I wonder if it only the government spending that the repubs like that creates jobs? More nonsense from the nonsense party…geez…