Well…have been reading this morning as I always do and came upon a little article that just focused on how stupid the states that are controlled by repubs have become…in Virginia, Texas, and other states, it is illegal to carry signs or flags on sticks into the state capital since they are “dangerous weapons” and can be used to injure people…but, in those same states, it is perfectly legal to carry handguns and rifles into these same capitals…in Virginia, while they were confiscating the signs that gun violence protesters were carrying, a group of gun rights protesters were waved through the same checkpoints carrying loaded assault rifles and pistols I guess since guns are never dangerous. In Texas, female visitors to the capitol had their tampons confiscated since they were also “dangerous weapons” while gun owners were allowed to carry their guns in strapped across their backs. What the hell is happening in this country? Have all the red states put stupid drugs in the water supply? I can’t think of any other explanation…geez…