Well…was just reading a few articles on the intertubes and came upon this comment from ole Marco that had me laughing out loud at his brilliance…(snark)….after the super Tuesday primaries and caucases, he was asked why he didn’t do better than he did…and ole Marco answered with this brilliance…”if there weren’t so many people running, I would have won most of the states”….let that one sink in for a minute…he uses the excuse that there are just too darn many people running so people can’t see that he is the most qualified and would make the bestest president of all…this is what you get when you have a repub empty suit running…who has never accomplished anything in his life other than making friends with billionaires and trying to memorize a bunch of talking points…I kind of wish he would get the nomination so that either Hillary or Bernie would just destroy him in the debates…but, that is not going to happen…and that doesn’t make me sad at all….