Well…how many times do I have to say “Rick Perry is still an idiot”? It seems that every day that idiot comes out with a new bit of stupidity the tops the last one…the latest was from a few days ago where he basically said that Joan Rivers would still be alive if New York had the same draconion abortion restrictions they have in Texas…you know, where all of the clinics there have to be mini hospitals with a certain width hallways, bigger doors, and other things that have nothing to do with the services being performed…since when does a wider hallway have anything to do with a woman’s health? The only thing these restrictions do is put the clinics out of business since they are not there to make huge profits and can’t afford to rebuild their buildings. Using this logic, whey haven’t they put these same restrictions on oral surgery clinics? Statistics show that oral surgery is more dangerous than getting an abortion as is knee surgery and every other outpatient surgery. The final fact is that the clinic where Joan Rivers was treated met all of the Texas requirements….but she died anyway…what a moron…geez…