Well…the clown car is one person emptier today as Rick Perry has quit the race for the repub nomination…and I can’t be happier that this moron is out of the race…and even funnier is his parting comment that the repub field is the “strongest in generations”..okay, I am just laughing my butt off about that one…strong compared to him maybe but strong? When Donald Trump is the leader in the field and the rest of them are just idiots is not the definition of strong…delusional maybe, but not strong or any semblance of it…now, I am just waiting for ole Scotty to get out after the Kochs decide that he can’t win either…going to be a fun month or so….
Tag Archives: Rick Perry
Bye, bye Rick…
Well…it is with some glee that I read that ole rick Perry’s campaign is dying quickly to the point that he has stopped paying his staffers and has told them that they can start looking for new jobs. Now…I knew this was going to start happening at some point to the candidates from the ‘kiddie table” debate but I thought this grifter would be able to grift enough money to at least make it a couple of more months….I think his billionaires have given up on him and now he may even have to get a job somewhere…I would suggest a greeter at Walmart would be the perfect thing for him….he’s not bright enough to do anything else…no matter that he is wearing “smart” looking glasses…what a maroon…and good riddance….
Rick Perry is still an idiot…
Well…how many times do I have to say “Rick Perry is still an idiot”? It seems that every day that idiot comes out with a new bit of stupidity the tops the last one…the latest was from a few days ago where he basically said that Joan Rivers would still be alive if New York had the same draconion abortion restrictions they have in Texas…you know, where all of the clinics there have to be mini hospitals with a certain width hallways, bigger doors, and other things that have nothing to do with the services being performed…since when does a wider hallway have anything to do with a woman’s health? The only thing these restrictions do is put the clinics out of business since they are not there to make huge profits and can’t afford to rebuild their buildings. Using this logic, whey haven’t they put these same restrictions on oral surgery clinics? Statistics show that oral surgery is more dangerous than getting an abortion as is knee surgery and every other outpatient surgery. The final fact is that the clinic where Joan Rivers was treated met all of the Texas requirements….but she died anyway…what a moron…geez…
The right is just delusional…
Well…reading about the insane clown posse that is the yearly meeting of conservatives in DC and I have been laughing my head off with some of the ‘facts” that have been tossed around by these idiots…especially by ole Rick Perry and Calgary Cruz….first, ole Rick did a speech today saying that the red states were leading the way in economic growth because of the lack of taxes and regulation…and, if you mean leading the way to the bottom half of all states you would be right…if you look at facts…you know, those things the right doesn’t believe in…you’ll see that every state run by repubs is in the bottom 50% of economic growth with his state one of the worst…and then we have ole Cruz saying by video that we don’t have a president anymore but a dictator since he picks and chooses what laws he is going to enforce and he does things that the congress hasn’t given him permission to do…how wrong is this? As wrong as you can get…first, go back to ole GW and see how many laws he decided to not enforce…can you say torture? And, second, this idiot doesn’t even know how the government works…the executive branch does not have to be given permission by congress to carry out executive branch authority…what the hell is wrong with these ignorant idiots? geez…
I predicted this one….
Well…a few days ago, I expressed my hope that one of the outcomes of the Iowa repub nonsense would be that both Perry and Bachmann would just go home and we would never have to hear from them again…and I predicted that poor showings would have that result. I am happy to report here that ole Rick is heading back to Texas to “think” about his campaign…I don’t know what he is going to think about…can he even think? Or, will his donors and cronies do the thinking for him while he styles his hair? Then, ole Micheel has a news conference scheduled for this afternoon for a “major announcement” on the direction of her campaign…but the only direction I see for her is to head due north back where she came from….maybe we can hope that she will retire and go back to “un-gaying” gays in Minnesota. What a couple of know-nothing losers that even the delusional repubs have rejected as being unqualified…now, if we could just do the same for ole Newt and Santorum, the IQ of the entire party would rise about 50 points.
One last thing, I’m going to keep hammering on Mitt for the lies on job creation that he keeps spouting on the trail…the latest is that he “created” over 100K jobs while at Bain Capital…but he never nets that with the hundreds of thousands of jobs that he killed while stealing the assets of the companies that Bain purchased..so folks…you can tell when ole Mitt is lying about his jobs record…it’s when he opens his mouth…geez…
A few things..
Well…just a few things that I want to comment on this morning to try to get back in the swing of things and get some political commentary going again…first…I just can’t wait for the Iowa nonsense to be over and done with…and I am glad I don’t live there to have to listen to and see all of the political ads that have dominated the airwaves…but there will be one bright spot to come out of today..or maybe two…we probably won’t have to listen to Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry any more since they are both likely to finish well back in the pack…I don’t know why anyone listened to them anyway…they are two of the most stupid sounding politicians that I have ever heard…and I’ve been around a long time. I really can’t wait until they start to hammer ole Mitt on his claims to have created over 100K jobs while at Bain Capital when it is just not true…never created one job….remember that folks…never created one job and I look forward to him having to really answer for his destructive reign there and personally profiting in the hundreds of millions of dollars while he and his cronies looted companies that would still be alive if it weren’t for them.
Oh, one last thing….I see that the incestuous right wing media nonsense continues in today’s Detroit News where they treat their house dog Manny Lopez as an independent writer when they published his screed about Obama’s vacation and ole Manny’s contention that Obama can’t care about the 99 percenters since he is one of the one percent. The first thing to me is that there should be disclosure that Manny is regular columnist at the News and to make it look like he is an independent “other voice” is just dishonest and only adds to the echo chamber that is the right wing media. The more salient point to make here, though, is that Obama worked hard and achieved his way to the one percenter that he is…he didn’t have mommy or daddy start him on third base and tell him he hit a triple…geez….
Can Rick Perry be this dumb?
Well…I have been getting more and more amazed every time ole Rick opens his mouth over the past couple of weeks. Can anyone running for president be that dumb? Okay, yeah, I know, most of the repubs that are running are that dumb but the stupidity just oozes out of ole Rick. I’m sure you’ve heard of the last couple from the idiot…..at a campaign stop last week, Rick wasn’t sure what date the election was on and he then compounded that with thinking that the voting age was still 21 years. But, here’s the capper…this idiot doesn’t even know how many supreme court justices there are…coming up with 8 instead of 9….I don’t know where these idiots come from but back in my earlier years, folks like this would be laughed off the stage….geez…
See….told you I’d get another one out….
More trickle down nonsense…
Well…was just sitting here looking at the F-1 website and a thought came to me…they do that sometimes, as you can see from me being 5 ahead for the month. What spurred the thought was the return of the discredited notion of “trickle down” economics that posits that if you give more and more tax cuts to the rich and corporations, that money will trickle down to the middle class through an increased number of jobs. The question I have to ask is “how is this different from increased tax revenue going to the government to create jobs?” At least when the money goes to the government and it is spent for infrastructure repair and development, the people have some say through their elected officials on where and how the money is spent and which jobs are created. Infrastructure jobs can’t be sent overseas like what has happened with the tax cuts to corporations and the huge wave of outsourcing that followed the tax cuts. I’d rather trust the government to do this kind of thing…corporations have shown that they will use tax cuts not to create jobs, but to enrich the 1% who have already stolen most of the country from the rest of us..geez…
The republicans just don’t get it…
Well…I find it funny that ole Rick out of Texas is rolling out his “revolutionary” new flat tax plan to match up with ole Herm’s 999 plan and neither one of them understands that things have changed or are changing in this country….the media has started listening to this nonsense and the false equivalency that has rotted our media discourse is starting to be rolled back…and the American people are finally getting the truth behind these plans…that they are slanted to cutting taxes for the rich at the expense of everyone else. I hope the days of cutting taxes for the “job creators” who really aren’t are over….that the nonsense of giving more and more to business with the hope that they will create jobs will finally be reconciled with reality…that not one job will be created by tax cuts, that not one company will add one job unless the demand is there for the goods and services they produce, and the only way to create demand is by rising wages for the middle class. But, the repubs just don’t get it…they are still playing out of the 2010 playbook when no one was paying attention….now, with the OWS protests and a newly awakened media….there is shift back to reality based governance where facts have regained their superiority to the gut feelings that the right truly believes are equivalent….none too soon either…geez…
If corporations are people…
Well…read an interesting little tidbit in one of the papers this morning that I thought I’d write a short comment about….if corporations are “people” according to the supreme court, why haven’t any of them been sentenced to the death penalty in Texas? There have been many cases of negligence by corporations that have resulted in human deaths there, but not once have they been held accountable as a human would have been. So, what is it Rick? You revel in the fact that you have put more people to death than any other governor in history but when it comes to holding corporations accountable, you just turn a blind eye to make sure your campaign money keeps rolling in. It is such an egregious pattern of allowed lawbreaking by the repubs that puts the rule of law second to political gains and allows felons like Dick Cheney to walk away from breaking both domestic and international law with impunity….oh, I get it…it’s George Orwell at work from “Animal Farm”….”all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others..” Geez….
Okay….look down…I added to the last one….