Well…just a few things that I want to comment on this morning to try to get back in the swing of things and get some political commentary going again…first…I just can’t wait for the Iowa nonsense to be over and done with…and I am glad I don’t live there to have to listen to and see all of the political ads that have dominated the airwaves…but there will be one bright spot to come out of today..or maybe two…we probably won’t have to listen to Michelle Bachmann or Rick Perry any more since they are both likely to finish well back in the pack…I don’t know why anyone listened to them anyway…they are two of the most stupid sounding politicians that I have ever heard…and I’ve been around a long time. I really can’t wait until they start to hammer ole Mitt on his claims to have created over 100K jobs while at Bain Capital when it is just not true…never created one job….remember that folks…never created one job and I look forward to him having to really answer for his destructive reign there and personally profiting in the hundreds of millions of dollars while he and his cronies looted companies that would still be alive if it weren’t for them.
Oh, one last thing….I see that the incestuous right wing media nonsense continues in today’s Detroit News where they treat their house dog Manny Lopez as an independent writer when they published his screed about Obama’s vacation and ole Manny’s contention that Obama can’t care about the 99 percenters since he is one of the one percent. The first thing to me is that there should be disclosure that Manny is regular columnist at the News and to make it look like he is an independent “other voice” is just dishonest and only adds to the echo chamber that is the right wing media. The more salient point to make here, though, is that Obama worked hard and achieved his way to the one percenter that he is…he didn’t have mommy or daddy start him on third base and tell him he hit a triple…geez….
Well…I really do have to thank Manny Lopez of the Detroit News today for his column that excoriates the “Occupy” protesters as people just looking for a handout and wanting to do nothing for it. He seems to think that people who have lost their jobs or homes or who are so heaped with student loans should just shut up and go home. He seems to think that people like me (and there are a lot of us) who have done everything right…gotten an education, worked hard,l paid our bills and taxes, and now find ourselves shut out of a feeble economy because what the banks and corporations have done should just stay home and go slowly broke while executive compensation rises 28% in one year.
Not gonna happen, Manny. You’ve got this thing so wrong, again, that I still can’t understand why you still have a job. This movement is about and for the people who no longer have a shot at the American dream, who no longer can compete with the overwhelming voice of corporate money in politics, and out of desperation have begun to use the only tool left to them…peaceful resistance. And, let’s be perfectly clear…the protesters don’t want anything for free, they just want good jobs and the chance to raise families in a world that is more fair than it is now. Is that too much to ask? to Manny and his repub cronies, it is…geez…
Well…I don’t know where to start about this one…I’ve never seen one person be so wrong every time he opens his mouth and still have a job….he’s at it again this morning in the Detroit News where he spend his whole column venting his vitriol against Obama and then recommends that the pres read nonsense to change his economic policy…to start he gives us the old repub lie that the stimulus was all spending of almost 800 billion dollars and it was wasted since it didn’t get the economy moving as fast as it should…but what ole Manny and the rest of the repoub liars continue to ignore is that almost half of the stimulus package was tax cuts…so, I’ll ask this again, Manny….do tax cuts work to spur the economy or don’t they? The media continues to give you a pass on this hypocrisy when the Bush tax cuts did not create one job, not one, and now you want the president to keep doing more of that? You have no standing to give advice to anyone when you continue to believe in the voodoo economics that put us in this mess we are in…geez…
Well..just when I thought I wasn’t going to have a topic for today, ole Manny Lopez from the Detroit News comes up with another of his ideology driven, ridiculous columns that I just have to comment on. Manny actually went to California and goes off on the administration and it’s attempt to lower the countries oil usage by the subsidies for hybrids…basing all of his vitriol on his observations that everyone in California is not driving one. He then goes on to try to make the point that California’s regulations are so stringent that they will force only small cars to be purchased then in the next paragraph he contradicts himself by saying people are still buying what they want using the example of the Ford F-150 being the best selling vehicle in the country. It was hard for me to even get my head around this pretzel logic (thanks Steely Dan) to see what his point is. I think he was trying to make the point that the government is interfering in the markets by the hybrid subsidies and trying to force us into cars we don’t want.
But, who knows….you should go read that for yourself…if you don’t have a headache after it, I am jealous…and I can’t figure out why he still has a job…
Well…if you’ve been here before, you’ve heard me take issue with the idiotic rantings of the Detroit News’ Manny Lopez, and I have to say thanks again for his column in today’s paper…it’s not the only thing I want to talk about but it gets me started and, hopefully, gets the outrage meter moving up. Today, Manny goes on to take issue with Bob King’s comments (Bob is the president of the UAW) that the new financial manager law is an attack on democracy by allowing elected officials to be removed if their organization, be it a city, town, county, or school district runs into financial distress. What would you call subverting the election process by appointed overseers, Manny? What’s next? Removing a congressman or senator if he votes for financially unsound practices? That would put all of your repub buddies at risk for voting for tax cuts when it results in bankrupting the country, doesn’t it? It’s just another instance where the repubs and their lapdog writers scream socialism whenever the dems do anything that will benefit the middle class but then see nothing wrong with tearing at the core of our democracy when they lie to get voted into office. Who would have voted for our gov Snyder if he would have revealed his plans for the giveaway to business and the rich paid for by taxes on you and me? Liars all….
Okay…that is the only topic for this one….I will try to get another one out later but I do feel pretty crappy and want to make salmon for lunch….I have been better lately at getting these out before you come back from lunch….I’m better than Keith at it…oh, that is one thing I did want to talk about and forgot…Keith Olbermann is coming back with “Countdown” on the 20th of June…same time, different channel…..welcome back, Keith….
Well….it was an interesting article this morning by Manny Lopez where he goes on to bitch about getting hate mail responses to his columns and tries to tar the entire progressive/ liberal part of the political spectrum by these outliers. One of the false analogies this moron makes is that because people are protesting the inequality of the ‘shared sacrifice” that is being foist on the people of Michigan, they must be far left liberals and he decries their usage of violent imagery as being hypocritical. Who says that people that are protesting unfairness have to be liberals? But, that fits into his biases that says that all repubs and right leaners must just love what Snyder is doing and it is just the professional left that hates this new budget. Sorry Manny, but many of us on the left (or those of us that think) agree that tax increases need to be a part of trying to balance the budget, but we just want fairness; don’t expect us to like taking money out of our pockets and transferring it to a bunch of ceo’s.
He goes on to relate that he has gotten e-mails questioning his citizenship by his Hispanic last name, what he conveniently forgets is that he has questioned whether Obama is a citizen and makes the leap immediately that this questioning is racist. I think he is so eager to play the discrimination card that he completely missed what the commenter was saying….that if the birthers can question Obama, than his readers can question him. Fair game to me….
I know, Manny is such an easy target that I should do more work and find better ones….at least I’m not writing about sister Sarah….geez…
Well…I know, I promised to not counterpunch much and I’m not sure if this is one, but it kind of seems like it since I have to comment on the misguided rantings of Manny Lopez again…but I think it’s not Manny per se, but the idea of Manny and his repub ilk and their continued reliance on failed policies as a cover for their naked thievery. I know, I said that I was going to be a little more composed here, and I fully understand that Michigan is in bad shape and things need to change to restore it’s solvency. What I disagree with is the way the new gov is going about it along with the assertions from the right that this is what the people voted for. The problem with believing that is not once on the campaign trail, did Snyder or any of the repubs that were elected to the house and senate give any detail of their budget plan that included huge tax breaks for business while raising taxes on you and me. If they would have, the “nerd” would never have been elected, but that is how the repubs operate….lie or conceal until the people are duped, and then ram through their radical right wing agenda while tarring the opposition as “socialists’ or special interests whose only concern is lining their own pockets. I’d rather have the pockets of a working person or retiree lined than give more to the corporate thieves that bought this last election…geez….
Well…just a short one to talk about something I read in the Detroit News by our favorite shill for the repubs, Manny Lopez. In this one, one of the things he bitches about is the media coverage of the protests across the midwest, and his rationale is that since there are only about 12% of the working population in unions, the media should not cover the protests of these “sign carrying, bullhorn toting” crowds. Oh, really Manny? You thought that coverage of events like these was just peachy when it was the tea partiers carrying the signs and toting the bullhorns, and at the time you thought it was wonderful uprising of ordinary folks “taking back their government”. What’s the difference here Manny? These are ordinary working folks trying to keep the government from taking away their right to collectively bargain and if this was happening at a tea party rally, you would be right there with them. This is just another instance where the right shows its intellectual and moral bankruptcy…funded by the Koch brothers….geez….
Well….I just don’t get it…don’t these morons on the right think we have memory? Let’s get right to it again…over the past few years, the repubs have repeated, and repeated, and repeated that they think the federal government is too large and intrusive…led by ole Manny Lopez here who has said many times that he thinks it would be better if the state was just left to go it’s own way and to hell with the federal government…and any time that Governor Granholm went to Washington to try to get help for the state, it was a an extension of the welfare state mentality. But, today, in the Detroit News, Manny goes on that it is a wonderful thing that our current governor went to Washington to ask for money for the state going so far as to say that the previous Democratic governor never did that; a statement that is breathtakingly disingenuous. He then goes on to applaud the current governor for going 5 times to business leaders to get their advice, stating that is something that governor Granholm never did. Gee, I wonder why Manny? Could it be because governor Snyder is one of them….and puts their welfare above that of the workers of the state and just rolls over to whatever they want since they bought the election for him? C’mon Manny…at least try to be a journalist….oh, that’s right, you’re not….my mistake…geez…
Well…I just have to comment on the column done by one of my favorite idiots that write for the Detroit News, Manny lopez…in his column today, he takes Governor Granholm to task for a puff piece that was done to “revise history” as Manny puts it. He goes on and on about how big of a failure the Granholm administration was and that it is the height of hubris for her to try to put a positive spin on what I agree has been a terrible 8 years here. But, I think he is serious when he finds fault with this type thing when he was one of the biggest cheerleaders of the failed Bush presidency, and then completely agrees with the revising of history that the repubs have made an art form…as evidenced by the new Bush memoir that again plays fast and loose with the facts. Now, what is it Manny? Are you a faith based person or do you belong to those of us that believe that facts are facts; and no amount of spin changes them?
This egregious changing of facts is now reaching a fever pitch with the repubs, led by commentators like Manny and abetted by politicians like Haley Barbour who, last week, said that the civil rights struggle in his home state of Mississippi was “not that bad” and that local governments of the time prevented discrimination….anyone with even a little knowledge knows that that is just not true. it took the federal government to break down the institutional racism that was the south of the time. Nice try Haley…
But, these are just miniscule attempts by small politicians compared to the wholesale attempts to re-write the reasons for the civil war that are taking place in Virginia and other southern states to closely match the new repub talking point of “states rights” and remove the continuation of slavery as the real reason for the war. So, Manny…if you are going to bitch about revising history…take your own party to task first…they are the experts at it after all. Geez…