Well….it was an interesting article this morning by Manny Lopez where he goes on to bitch about getting hate mail responses to his columns and tries to tar the entire progressive/ liberal part of the political spectrum by these outliers. One of the false analogies this moron makes is that because people are protesting the inequality of the ‘shared sacrifice” that is being foist on the people of Michigan, they must be far left liberals and he decries their usage of violent imagery as being hypocritical. Who says that people that are protesting unfairness have to be liberals? But, that fits into his biases that says that all repubs and right leaners must just love what Snyder is doing and it is just the professional left that hates this new budget. Sorry Manny, but many of us on the left (or those of us that think) agree that tax increases need to be a part of trying to balance the budget, but we just want fairness; don’t expect us to like taking money out of our pockets and transferring it to a bunch of ceo’s.
He goes on to relate that he has gotten e-mails questioning his citizenship by his Hispanic last name, what he conveniently forgets is that he has questioned whether Obama is a citizen and makes the leap immediately that this questioning is racist. I think he is so eager to play the discrimination card that he completely missed what the commenter was saying….that if the birthers can question Obama, than his readers can question him. Fair game to me….
I know, Manny is such an easy target that I should do more work and find better ones….at least I’m not writing about sister Sarah….geez…