Well…I really do have to thank Manny Lopez of the Detroit News today for his column that excoriates the “Occupy” protesters as people just looking for a handout and wanting to do nothing for it. He seems to think that people who have lost their jobs or homes or who are so heaped with student loans should just shut up and go home. He seems to think that people like me (and there are a lot of us) who have done everything right…gotten an education, worked hard,l paid our bills and taxes, and now find ourselves shut out of a feeble economy because what the banks and corporations have done should just stay home and go slowly broke while executive compensation rises 28% in one year.
Not gonna happen, Manny. You’ve got this thing so wrong, again, that I still can’t understand why you still have a job. This movement is about and for the people who no longer have a shot at the American dream, who no longer can compete with the overwhelming voice of corporate money in politics, and out of desperation have begun to use the only tool left to them…peaceful resistance. And, let’s be perfectly clear…the protesters don’t want anything for free, they just want good jobs and the chance to raise families in a world that is more fair than it is now. Is that too much to ask? to Manny and his repub cronies, it is…geez…