Well…with the constant lies coming from the repubs and their tax cut exploding the budget deficit which is on track to hit a trillion…yep, with a t next year, the dems need to start hammering home the message of the repubs stealing every damn thing and giving it to the rich…and not caring about the deficit until they lose next year…then you will hear the typical yammering that nothing can be done about it but cut social programs that the 99% have paid for. And they need to do it now, not next year and they need to keep hammering it every damn time they get asked any question from any reporter…like: “you know what is going to happen when we win next year, the repubs are going to then get really concerned about the deficit and try to destroy SS and Medicare to pay for it…just remember, they are the ones who created the deficit with their tax cuts for the rich and now they whine that something needs to be done”….and the same goes with the “great” economy that is being propped up by the fed by them pouring trillions of dollars of no cost loans to the big banks so they can continue to buy stocks and support the unsustainable prices that we see now…and the dems need to point out that this economy is a house of cards that is going to come crashing down when this handout to the banks ends. Most of all, though, we need message discipline from our side where we all talk about the same facts about the economy, the environment, and every other subject that the public cares about…and the progressive ideas that will make life better for the 99% and not the 1% who have stolen most of this country with the repubs help….
Tag Archives: deficits
Trillion dollar deficits…
Well…who would have thought that cutting taxes for the rich and corporations and increasing spending would lead to trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see? Just every frickin economist that is not a right wing shill. With the CBO report that is coming out later today (and that was previewed over the weekend), deficits for the federal government are projected to be at least a trillion dollars a year…but the report states that this is the most optimistic reading, that the deficits couldĀ be twice that and will continue for at least the next ten years if nothing changes. Do you remember when the biggest threat to the economy were the deficits during the Obama years? Yep, just another bit of hypocrisy from the repubs and shows you it was never really about the deficits then…it was about trying to hurt Obama and trying to keep him from being successful. One other thing that you need to remember, that SS and Medicare have nothing to do with these exploding deficits…they are completely separate accounts and SS and Medicare have been paid for by you and me…remember that whenever the repubs say that these programs are “in crisis”….they are not and won’t be for at least 30 years…and that can be fixed with just one change…by making all income subject to SS taxes….and that’s what we’ll do when we take back the house and senate…
Surprise, surprise…
Well…with the announcement of a 480 million dollar shortfall in tax revenues here in Michigan, all I can say sarcastically is surprise, surprise….I just wonder why tax cuts for the rich and business didn’t do what the repubs here had faith it would do…result in more revenue for the state. It isn’t as if they had any examples of the same tax cut nonsense not working in other states….oh, yes they do….look at any state where the repubs are in control and they used faith-based economics…like Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana or Texas where they used the fully discredited theories of Arthur Laffer and his supply side economic nonsense and the same damn thing happened…tax revenues fell drastically putting the budgets of all of those states in free fall so they have all had to decimate even basic services that people pay for….and now we see the same damn thing in Michigan and the repubs here are acting all surprised like there is just no way they could have forseen this happening. But, will they learn from this and rescind the tax cuts for business here that have led to no job creation for the 1.8 billion dollar giveaway to business? Of course not…the repubs are the anti science party after all and economics is a science….I just don’t understand why people keep voting for these idiots when they lay waste to every state they control….I’m shaking my head over that one…geez…
How does Romney keep getting away with it?
Well…I know I’ve talked about this at length over the past couple of months…or even longer…the months kind of run together when I’m trying to keep up with the lies coming out of the Romney campaign…but, here we go again with the latest one…in a speech given the other day, ole Mitt has a new talking point that he is trying out called “Obama’s prairie fire of debt” that tries to assert that the deficits and the national debt is all Obama’s fault and his policies will be the cause of much more if he is reelected. But, again, ole Mitt is using the repub playbook and trying to create his own “facts” that have been roundly criticized by all of the non-partisan organizations that look into these economic claims…I just get to the point and call them lies…baldfaced lies that Romney is using to try to dupe the independents that this election will turn on into believing he is not just George Bush…again. First…let’s start with his claim that the deficits will continue to rise under Obama… there are so many experts out there that have no political axe to grind who have looked at the facts and have agreed with me and called this a blunt lie. Then, they go on to score the Romney proposals of more and more tax cuts for the rich and find that his proposals will INCREASE the debt by over 5 trillion dollars over 10 years….now, I do struggle at math at times but no increase in the debt is a better thing than an increase of 5 trillion, right? I am at a loss to why the media just doesn’t post a disclaimer every time that ole Mitt tries these lies…something like “these assertions have been found to be untrue”…instead of treating the lies with the same gravity that should be reserved for the truth. Mitt should be ashamed….geez….
Another short one on tax cuts…
Well…while cruising my online papers for the second time today, a thought came to me that should put the “tax cuts make tax revenues grow” nonsense that is still a staple of all of the economic plans of the repubs across the country to rest. If that is the case, why did the Bush tax cuts take the economy from the surplus that he was handed when “elected”, to the huge deficits that we now see? Shouldn’t those cuts have driven tax revenues so high that even today there would be no deficits? Just asking….
Still struggling…
Well…just thought I’d get a shorty out to let you know that I am working on getting another one going in my head but this whole day has been a weird jumble of things happening and I am so far off my normal routine that I haven’t even read the online papers yet…so I’m going to do that now and then come back in a while to finish this…
Okay, I’m back…had to run an unexpected errand and still haven’t found anything to write about….maybe the hurt feelings of Paul Ryan would be appropriate…I just had to laugh after Obama attacked Ryan’s radical budget proposal, with Ryan calling the speech “overly partisan”…oh, poor baby, you should be happy he didn’t call you the idiot that you are…well…he kind of did, and as time goes by and people other that the Heritage Foundation take a close look…we’ve learned that it does nothing to lower the deficit, yep, that’s right…nope, I can’t even fake surprise at this one….these guys have taken “voodoo” economics to a new high, and I am so happy they did it, finally letting the curtain fall on their agenda to end the social contract that has existed for the past 90 years. It is a little heartening to see the same kind of thing happening here in Michigan with gov Snyder losing support even from his own party where they still have some realists…..I can’t wait to see the ads for the next election where the dismantling of Medicare is going to be the subject…and it will make it easier to believe when the left says the repubs want to end Social Security, too….going to be interesting time over the next two years…strap in and hang on…
Breathtaking lies and other stuff….
Well….I know this is kind of obscure since not many of you know who Senator John Kyl is…oh, you do? Good, that might put this more in context….okay, a couple of days ago Senator Kyl went on the floor of the senate and made the assertion that 90% of the funding that Planned Parenthood gets is used for abortions; no matter that the the real number is around 3%, since you know that facts don’t mean much to the repubs…but, the breathtaking part is not the lie…nope, even better than that, the statement that his office put out later is….they put out a press statement saying that what he said on the senate floor was not meant to be factual…not meant to be factual? Then what was it meant to be? A recipe for cornbread? C’mon senator Kyl….at least try to hide your lies for a little while longer…you can use page 84 of the repub playbook, chapter 15 entitled “Say anything, it doesn’t matter”. Geez….
Just a short one for the other stuff….read an article this morning that dissected the Ryan budget proposal and it’s fiscal effects on the national debt…and compared it to the effect of ending the Bush tax cuts…guess what? Ending the Bush tax cuts has the same effect as all of the cuts that Ryan proposes that will fall on the middle class and the poor. Is there any question the Ryan has an ulterior motive? Reward the rich Ryan….has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? geez….
The 4 trillion dollar theft…
Well….a good bit of outrage has built up of the past few days reading the budget proposals that are coming out of the repubs, and Paul Ryan in particular…and I find it breathtaking that they think they can just steal 4 trillion more dollars from the country in the guise of “deficit reduction”. To put this whole idea in perspective, we only need to remember that without the Bush tax cuts for the rich, there would be no budget crisis…remember that, there would be no budget crisis if the Bush tax cuts were allowed to expire. That is one of the things that these thieves don’t want you to know…one of the others is what they want to do to Medicare…they are back to their old scam of privatizing all of the safety nets that have kept older Americans out of poverty for 80 years and turning it into a private insurance con that would transfer more wealth into the hands of the rich and business. But this is not the only place these idiots want to attack while giving more to the rich…they want across the board cuts to every program that has any benefit to the middle class; saying it’s a needed sacrifice that the middle class needs to make…my question is: “where is the sacrifice from the rich?” Don’t waste your time looking….you won’t find it. What would have happened if Social Security and Medicare were privatized when the financial meltdown happened; perpetrated by the rich for the rich? All of us in the middle class would have lost everything while the bankers walked away with their millions and millions in bonuses.
Please, people, start paying attention and don’t let these liars take what is left of the country….geez….
A couple of things this morning…
Well…I am getting to the point that I am ashamed to be a resident of this great state of Michigan with what out legislators have just done…we’re now the first state to cut off unemployment benefits to help ease the tax burdens of corporations who are wallowing in the highest profits on the history of the world. Yep, you heard it right, we are going to cut off the unemployed here just to make sure that business can keep their tax rate lower than it’s been in 30 years. I am getting tired of pointing out the immorality of balancing our budget here on the backs of the poor, retired, and unemployed when a small tax increase across the board would wipe out the deficit and give us some breathing room until the economy recovers. If this is gov Snyder’s idea of “shared sacrifice”, then I am being forced to recant my support for raising my own taxes to help….these guys have been exposed for what they are…just the same old repubs dancing to the tune of their corporate masters who will not be happy until all of the wealth of this country is in the hands of the top 1%.
The second thing I want to talk about is the downright idiocy that is passing for fiscal policy here in the US. If you’ve been following the european economy, and Ireland and England in particular, you see that they have implemented exactly the same austerity measures that are being proposed here; cutting spending and lowering taxes. But what the right here doesn’t want you to know is that these measures are not working in any economy where they’ve been tried…in fact, the deficit reduction that is being championed here as a job growth measure has resulted in a loss of jobs and tax revenue which will make the deficit worse over the long run, not better. When did we become so stupid that proven economic theory (deficit spending in the midst of a recession) has been replaced by fear that deficits will cause the mythical “bond fairies” to stop buying our debt? Now, I’m all for reining in government spending in good times, but not in a recession where these cuts will create a permanent underclass of the unemployed. Geez….
Manny’s wrong again….or is that still?
Well…I know, I promised to not counterpunch much and I’m not sure if this is one, but it kind of seems like it since I have to comment on the misguided rantings of Manny Lopez again…but I think it’s not Manny per se, but the idea of Manny and his repub ilk and their continued reliance on failed policies as a cover for their naked thievery. I know, I said that I was going to be a little more composed here, and I fully understand that Michigan is in bad shape and things need to change to restore it’s solvency. What I disagree with is the way the new gov is going about it along with the assertions from the right that this is what the people voted for. The problem with believing that is not once on the campaign trail, did Snyder or any of the repubs that were elected to the house and senate give any detail of their budget plan that included huge tax breaks for business while raising taxes on you and me. If they would have, the “nerd” would never have been elected, but that is how the repubs operate….lie or conceal until the people are duped, and then ram through their radical right wing agenda while tarring the opposition as “socialists’ or special interests whose only concern is lining their own pockets. I’d rather have the pockets of a working person or retiree lined than give more to the corporate thieves that bought this last election…geez….