Well…who would have thought that cutting taxes for the rich and corporations and increasing spending would lead to trillion dollar deficits for as far as the eye can see? Just every frickin economist that is not a right wing shill. With the CBO report that is coming out later today (and that was previewed over the weekend), deficits for the federal government are projected to be at least a trillion dollars a year…but the report states that this is the most optimistic reading, that the deficits couldĀ be twice that and will continue for at least the next ten years if nothing changes. Do you remember when the biggest threat to the economy were the deficits during the Obama years? Yep, just another bit of hypocrisy from the repubs and shows you it was never really about the deficits then…it was about trying to hurt Obama and trying to keep him from being successful. One other thing that you need to remember, that SS and Medicare have nothing to do with these exploding deficits…they are completely separate accounts and SS and Medicare have been paid for by you and me…remember that whenever the repubs say that these programs are “in crisis”….they are not and won’t be for at least 30 years…and that can be fixed with just one change…by making all income subject to SS taxes….and that’s what we’ll do when we take back the house and senate…