Tag Archives: unemployment

Now we know why Kemp is opening Georgia…

Well…you know, I’m getting damn tired of the repubs spending all their time trying to screw over the workers who make this country work and I know I’m always harping on the worst of them and how creative they are doing it…there has been a lot of confusion on why the repub governor of Georgia is putting the whole damn state at risk by opening businesses up way to damn early in the infection curve. But now we know why he is doing it and it is for one vile reason…if there is no stay at home order in place, then the workers who choose to stay home to not die are no longer quaified for any assistance at all….not fed, not unemployment, no nothing since they will beĀ  considered to have “quit” their jobs that will save the state huge amounts of unemployment insurance and will lead to many of the most vulnerable going hungry and becoming homeless just because the repubs are such assholes and just can’t resist hurting people just for the hell of it. I have had enough of these guys cheating their way into office…as Kemp did by the go to method of repubs by voter suppression, and then using their office to screw people over just for the fun of it….no empathy or humanity from these assholes and they all need to go…

Maybe some good news…

Well… have been looking for a topic without much luck so I guess I’ll just try to do a couple of shorties to get back in the groove…one thing I did read today is a heartening new set of polls that show, even in red states, that the repubs are being blamed for not renewing the unemployment benefits that expire on the 28th. And, it’s not even close….all of the polls put the approval rate in the mid to upper 60′s…not something that the repub idiots should ignore…after all, who are they supposed to be representing? If the people in these districts want partisanship put aside to help their fellow citizens, shouldn’t the repubs listen? Yeah, I know, the only thing they listen to is money and their masters don’t want the extension approved…geez…

A gaffe a day from these idiots…

Well…just a quick one on the daily gaffes that have been flowing out of the repub candidates and I’m not sure to laugh about them or just roll my eyes…is this shooting fish in a barrel? Yeah, it kind of is but it’s such a hanging curve ball I’m going to take a swing. Okay, I recognize that those last two were bad….Let’s start with ole Rick again, when asked about the unemployment rate, he answered that he “didn’t care about the unemployment rate” and his candidacy is about ‘freedom” and bigger issues than unemployment…how many ways is this one wrong? The one that I want to highlight is the fact that by this statement, Santorum has said that ideology and his right wing agenda is going to trump all of the rest of the problems the country faces…and there are issues that most of us think are more important than his war on everyone but conservative white people. Then, I have to say thanks to ole Mitt for another “let them eat cake” moment that came from questions about his desire to “get rid” of Planned Parenthood. When asked where poor women would go to get the health services that Planned Parenthood provides that they can’t afford to get anywhere else, the wonderfully obtuse Mitt replied “they can go anywhere, it a free country”….I really do wish I was making these up but I’m not…this is the quality of the field from the repubs and these are their ideas….so don’t let them dance around these issues…

Nolan, Nolan, Nolan….

Well…if you had any doubt that the attacks from the right on the middle class and poor are a coordinated message, let’s look at the latest nonsense from ole Nolan Finley in today’s Detroit News…yeah, I know, like shooting fish in a barrel but hey, I need and easy one once in a while and ole Nolan has obliged today. His screed in today’s paper center on this contention that people on unemployment don’t work hard enough looking for a job so they should be forced to “volunteer” their time to do various jobs that are now being done by unionized labor…can you see a theme here? Just reference ole Newt’s comments that we should eliminate unionized janitor’s jobs and have poor kids do them. So, Nolan, it’s not stressful enough to be unemployed in this market, now you want to take time away from the job searches that people need to perform to get new jobs and lock them into the declining spiral of minimum wage “volunteer” jobs until they lose their houses, cars and and hope for retirement? I just hope you lose your job at some point, you hack, and then we’ll find a volunteer job for you cleaning sewers since you seem quite familiar with them….geez….

Where are the jobs governor Snyder? Where is the jobs plan republicans?…still not one jobs bill in over a year of your control of the House….

Maybe the tide is turning…

Well….it seems that the story line in the country has started to change…away from the nonsense of modern conservatism and it’s fealty to Grover Norquist and business, and back to the real ills of this society…the concentration of money and power in the top 1% and the lack of good, middle class jobs. The country is finally waking up and saying enough…enough of having 400 people owning more than the poorest 150 million…enough of the drumbeat of deregulation that crashed the economy and made the distortion of the rewards of the economy even worse…enough of having corporations write the laws and buy elections that silences the rest of us. In the “Occupy Wall Street” movement and the newfound backbone of president Obama, there is finally hope that even an overeducated old guy will be able to find meaningful work….and to contribute to society again. I am still optimistic about this country changing by a real, old fashioned revolt of the center and left….if you want to read a really inspiring statement of purpose, go out to the occupy site and take a look at the one that was issued yesterday…it succinctly details what is wrong and how to fix it…and it has so irritated the right that they have brought out the “communist manifesto” label to try to belittle it….I guess they must be running scared…and they should be….

A couple of things this morning…

Well…I am getting to the point that I am ashamed to be a resident of this great state of Michigan with what out legislators have just done…we’re now the first state to cut off unemployment benefits to help ease the tax burdens of corporations who are wallowing in the highest profits on the history of the world. Yep, you heard it right, we are going to cut off the unemployed here just to make sure that business can keep their tax rate lower than it’s been in 30 years. I am getting tired of pointing out the immorality of balancing our budget here on the backs of the poor, retired, and unemployed when a small tax increase across the board would wipe out the deficit and give us some breathing room until the economy recovers. If this is gov Snyder’s idea of “shared sacrifice”, then I am being forced to recant my support for raising my own taxes to help….these guys have been exposed for what they are…just the same old repubs dancing to the tune of their corporate masters who will not be happy until all of the wealth of this country is in the hands of the top 1%.

The second thing I want to talk about is the downright idiocy that is passing for fiscal policy here in the US. If you’ve been following the european economy, and Ireland and England in particular, you see that they have implemented exactly the same austerity measures that are being proposed here; cutting spending and lowering taxes. But what the right here doesn’t want you to know is that these measures are not working in any economy where they’ve been tried…in fact, the deficit reduction that is being championed here as a job growth measure has resulted in a loss of jobs and tax revenue which will make the deficit worse over the long run, not better. When did we become so stupid that proven economic theory (deficit spending in the midst of a recession) has been replaced by fear that deficits will cause the mythical “bond fairies” to stop buying our debt? Now, I’m all for reining in government spending in good times, but not in a recession where these cuts will create a permanent underclass of the unemployed. Geez….

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican..

Well…this is going to be a short one but one that I had to comment on…the repubs just shot down the extension of unemployment benefits for the purported reason that any additional spending has to be paid for by cuts in other spending. this move will cut off these benefits to almost 2 million people at the end of the year and has never happened in history with the unemployment rate so high…and their comments ratcheted up their nastiness to a new level even for them…they think it is a citizen’s duty to take any job, no matter that the pay is less than they would get in UI benefits; that it is less than the money they need to keep feeding their families…but that is not the repubs problem. They just don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich…and you can see that by their continued insistence that the 700 billion dollars in tax cuts for the rich be made permanent…but with no word of how to pay for that….of course…geez…

Those heartless bastards..

Okay folks..if you had any doubt of what the GOP is all about, all you have to do is open your ears and eyes and listen to the new assaults on the middle class that they have proposed in the last couple of days…first you have George Will (I know, not a legislator but he is a defacto leader and one of the “brightest” brains of the repubs) saying that there should be no more extensions of unemployment benefits for anyone since “doing so will just encourage people to stay unemployed”. Okay George, who in their right mind would chose to lose their house, medical benefits, and everything else they’ve worked for just to get a measley 300 dollars a week? Where the hell are those jobs they are not taking? I’d really like to know since I could use one as could many other people I know..one who is going to lose his house because you and your repub buddies are so worried now about the deficit. Where were you when you and all of your rich, repub cronies were getting millions in tax cuts that you knew were going to put the country in the red and you didn’t care…you got yours so the hell with everyone else.

And now we have Boehner today saying that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be paid for by pushing the eligibility for social Security back to 70 and then means testing for anyone to get any money at all. Now, you know how these guys are about taxes, doesn’t he realize this is one of the largest tax increases in history if his plan is followed? Oh, but is not a tax on his beloved corporations but on the middle class so that is okay in his eyes. It is just another way to minimize the importance of Social Security and for the repubs to get what has been their goal since the 30′s; the elimination of any and all safety nets for everyday people…just listen to their senate candidate from Nevada, Sharron Angle, who has stated that Social security should be eliminated and everyone should be on their own.

I sit here amazement that anyone listens to George Will or John Boehner anymore…they are despicable people that need to go away and take their ideas with them….geez….

Have to go after Newt again….

Well….I wish Newt Gingrich would get the hell out of Michigan and stop spouting his class warfare nonsense that has polluted our air here for the past few days. His latest prescription for the ills that were visited on Michigan by his repub buddies that were rewarded for moving jobs out of the US is to make anyone who is getting unemployment benefits work to get them. Doesn’t he get how stupid that sounds? If there were jobs for the people on unemployment, they would have them. Or does he think that people will lose their homes and devastate their lives to just cruise on the generous benefit of $300 a week? The next question that comes to mind is: whose work would they do? Newt’s answer is, of course, the jobs that union workers do now. Which goes along with his other suggestion that Michigan be made a right-to-work state for public employees which would destroy the gains that people have fought for since the early 1900′s. These guys don’t give a damn about anyone but their little, inbred world where they talk about merit but practice the ugliest form of preference to their own kind through connections that are passed from generation to generation.

Haven’t you gotten tired of these idiots who have never had to work a day in their lives telling you what’s best for you? I know, I’ve used that phrase before but I have to keep repeating it to make people understand.

One last comment that I have to pass on that came from ole Newt, someone that is supposed to be a spokesman for the Repubs: “Poor people respond to money and will turn to illegal activities if it’s not available through other means” Which is funny since I don’t think he knows any poor people and the ones I know (including me) work hard and just want the game to stop being rigged for the rich. Geez….