Well….I wish Newt Gingrich would get the hell out of Michigan and stop spouting his class warfare nonsense that has polluted our air here for the past few days. His latest prescription for the ills that were visited on Michigan by his repub buddies that were rewarded for moving jobs out of the US is to make anyone who is getting unemployment benefits work to get them. Doesn’t he get how stupid that sounds? If there were jobs for the people on unemployment, they would have them. Or does he think that people will lose their homes and devastate their lives to just cruise on the generous benefit of $300 a week? The next question that comes to mind is: whose work would they do? Newt’s answer is, of course, the jobs that union workers do now. Which goes along with his other suggestion that Michigan be made a right-to-work state for public employees which would destroy the gains that people have fought for since the early 1900′s. These guys don’t give a damn about anyone but their little, inbred world where they talk about merit but practice the ugliest form of preference to their own kind through connections that are passed from generation to generation.
Haven’t you gotten tired of these idiots who have never had to work a day in their lives telling you what’s best for you? I know, I’ve used that phrase before but I have to keep repeating it to make people understand.
One last comment that I have to pass on that came from ole Newt, someone that is supposed to be a spokesman for the Repubs: “Poor people respond to money and will turn to illegal activities if it’s not available through other means” Which is funny since I don’t think he knows any poor people and the ones I know (including me) work hard and just want the game to stop being rigged for the rich. Geez….