Well…it has been another day of not doing much but I have been thinking about a few things so I thought I’d get them down and see if they make any sense…first, I laughed my butt off when ole Rick Santorum was touring, supposedly to support Romney, and went off about Obama gutting the first amendment since he wants Catholic organizations to cover birth control…what an old attack line and I don’t know where this is going to get them…so, if the Catholics or any other religious organization want to discriminate for any reason, it would be okay according to ole Rick….so if they didn’t want to hire minorities, they would be protected? Just more nonsense from the right and their idea that there should be allowed priveleged classes that the law doesn’t apply to…I think it’s even what their whole party is based on…
Oh, I guess I should get to the title…with the Ryan selection and the fact that the polls continue to show that ole Mitt is losing ground, it looks like ole Paul’s radicalism is only serving to fire up the base….and those folks were never going to vote for Obama anyway….and now we have McCain coming out attacking Joe Biden for being Joe…it appears that these folks are flailing around trying to find anything that will work….and the tone deaf Romney campaign is trotting ole Mitt’s wife back out to defend not releasing any more tax returns…but even funnier is the fact that Mitt is proud of the fact that he paid 13% in taxes and thinks it is just fine that he takes advantage of laws that were bought by people like him so they don’t have to pay their fair share…what a bunch of idiots…geez…