Tag Archives: Rick Santorum

They’re starting to get desperate….

Well…it has been another day of not doing much but I have been thinking about a few things so I thought I’d get them down and see if they make any sense…first, I laughed my butt off when ole Rick Santorum was touring, supposedly to support Romney, and went off about Obama gutting the first amendment since he wants Catholic organizations to cover birth control…what an old attack line and I don’t know where this is going to get them…so, if the Catholics or any other religious organization want to discriminate for any reason, it would be okay according to ole Rick….so if they didn’t want to hire minorities, they would be protected? Just more nonsense from the right and their idea that there should be allowed priveleged classes that the law doesn’t apply to…I think it’s even what their whole party is based on…

Oh, I guess I should get to the title…with the Ryan selection and the fact that the polls continue to show that ole Mitt is losing ground, it looks like ole Paul’s radicalism is only serving to fire up the base….and those folks were never going to vote for Obama anyway….and now we have McCain coming out attacking Joe Biden for being Joe…it appears that these folks are flailing around trying to find anything that will work….and the tone deaf Romney campaign is trotting ole Mitt’s wife back out to defend not releasing any more tax returns…but even funnier is the fact that Mitt is proud of the fact that he paid 13% in taxes and thinks it is just fine that he takes advantage of laws that were bought by people like him so they don’t have to pay their fair share…what a bunch of idiots…geez…

Rick Santorum is still an idiot…

Well…read this little tidbit about comment that ole Rick made that quite a few of the colleges in California no longer even offer American history courses and cites this as “indoctrination” of students that keeps them from understanding America and it conservative roots….I am paraphrasing a little there…and maybe editorializing some, too….but the facts are that all of the colleges in California offer courses in American history…except one in the hotbed of liberalism that is San Francisco….and guess what that one school teaches? Yep…I’ll bet you guessed it’s a medical school, where everyone admitted already has a bachelor’s degree of some sort where they were required to take history as one of their requirements for the degree. How can this guy continue to be wrong all of the time and still be taken seriously? Geez….

A gaffe a day from these idiots…

Well…just a quick one on the daily gaffes that have been flowing out of the repub candidates and I’m not sure to laugh about them or just roll my eyes…is this shooting fish in a barrel? Yeah, it kind of is but it’s such a hanging curve ball I’m going to take a swing. Okay, I recognize that those last two were bad….Let’s start with ole Rick again, when asked about the unemployment rate, he answered that he “didn’t care about the unemployment rate” and his candidacy is about ‘freedom” and bigger issues than unemployment…how many ways is this one wrong? The one that I want to highlight is the fact that by this statement, Santorum has said that ideology and his right wing agenda is going to trump all of the rest of the problems the country faces…and there are issues that most of us think are more important than his war on everyone but conservative white people. Then, I have to say thanks to ole Mitt for another “let them eat cake” moment that came from questions about his desire to “get rid” of Planned Parenthood. When asked where poor women would go to get the health services that Planned Parenthood provides that they can’t afford to get anywhere else, the wonderfully obtuse Mitt replied “they can go anywhere, it a free country”….I really do wish I was making these up but I’m not…this is the quality of the field from the repubs and these are their ideas….so don’t let them dance around these issues…

Before I have lunch…

Well…just got back from the ride and thought I’d do this one before I get to making lunch…I guess I’ve never seen such a truth challenged bunch like the current crop of repub candidates…starting with ole Rick in Puerto Rico last week saying that for them to get statehood, they would have to comply with federal law that says they have to speak English…I don’t know if it ignorance or just stupidity but there is no such federal law on the books..nowhere…so that still leaves us with the fact that ole Rick is either ignorant of federal law, a great thing for a president, or he is just another of the repubs who are showing they are just not too bright. That brings us to the main event and the attack that ole Mitt made on Obama this week saying that is Obama’s regulatory overreach that is phasing out the incandescent light bulbs that are such energy wasters. First, Mitt, the law that is resulting in the demise of the old fashioned bulbs is contained in a law that was written and passed by a repub controlled congress and signed into law by ole GW himself…long before Obama even took office and long before any regulations on these bulbs could have been made by him. So, here we have supposedly the two best that the repubs have to offer both either showing their stupidity or deliberately lying just to mollify their base…what kind of governance should we expect from these guys? Geez…

Republicans “war” on the TelePrompter….

Well….just a short one to take on the latest, ongoing ridiculousness that is the repub party these days….this one has come to a head with ole Rick Santorum saying yesterday that the use of teleprompters by any candidate should be illegal….nevermind that in the same breath he attacks government interference, and that ole Newt has challenged Obama to three hour debates where no teleprompters would be allowed….Ignoring the fact that teleprompters have never been used in any debate….but the real nugget here is the fact that the repubs think that having the ability to memorize is the same thing as intelligence, and the fact that the dems have complex, nuanced, ideas that they want to get right is now a bad thing? I guess it would be easy to not need a teleprompter if your most complex ideas are “drill baby drill, or bomb, bomb Iran”….geez….

Here’s one last thought on gas prices….since the repubs are the largest beneficiaries of the oil companies campaign donations and they would benefit mightily by the repubs taking the presidency….wouldn’t you do everything in your power, if you were an oil company, to make sure prices continue to rise…like shut down two oil refineries this year along with restricting oil production? They’ve tried this nonsense before…and they will try it again…

Okay, here’s more nonsense from ole Rick…

Well…just wanted to weigh in one more time on the “snob” comment that ole Rick has been using to appeal to the repub primary voters where he lied about what President Obama said about everyone going to college:

“And so tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. This can be community college or a four-year school; vocational training or an apprenticeship. But whatever the training may be, every American will need to get more than a high school diploma. And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country — and this country needs and values the talents of every American.”

That last statement was from Obama…here’s one from ole Rick in 2009:

“There’s technical schools. There’s additional training, vocational training. There’s skills and apprenticeships. There’s all sorts of things that people can do to upgrade their skills, to be very productive and great workers here in America who provide for their families and build their community.”

So…the two of them are saying exactly the same thing here…and not once did Obama say that ‘everyone should go to college” as ole Rick has repeatedly stated on the campaign trail….so we have our most religious candidate breaking another commandment…make you wonder if his purported faith is just another in the lies he will tell to be elected…geez…

Oh, I do have to attribute where the quotes came from…a great article from the Washington Post from this morning…

Okay…I just had to comment on Santorum…

Well…just got back to reading some of the papers and this little gem by ole Rick popped out at me for it’s stupidity…in case you hadn’t read, ole Rick came out a few days back and called Obama a snob for wanting every person to be able to go to college, faking outrage at this supposedly elitist comment. But, this wasn’t even the one that made me laugh the most…it was the comment that conservatives are “singled out” at colleges across the nation and that most people lose their faith under the indoctrination that happens there. As always, ole Rick is wrong again…I would think that Rick was singled out for his rigidity and contempt for anyone that doesn’t think just like him…just like the majority of the “conservatives” that wrap themselves in the flag and religion and shout down anyone who thinks for themselves. In the many years that I spent in higher education…not once was I singled out because I was a conservative…which I was at the time…I even voted republican in every election from Nixon to Bush 1…but I also was not an ass that thought I knew everything and what was right for everyone like ole Rick. One last thing on Rick’s faith claims…that indoctrination in college is making people lose their faith? I think it’s more that they are leaning to think for themselves and the childhood indoctrination in religiosity is being broken for the nonsense that it is….just my opinion, of course….

A short one for those of us that see irony in history..

Well…I’m not sure what is going on in my head today but I’ve had quite a few ideas that I wanted to get down…and that is unusual to say the least, but bear with me…this one might just be worth it…I’m one of the people left in the US that still sees the importance of at least knowing history to make useful connections or see the irony that is frequently contained in it. I say this because I’m old enough to remember the furor over John Kennedy’s faith in the 1960 election; people then were concerned then that Rome and the Pope would call the shots through a Catholic president and the repubs used his Catholicism to try to paint Kennedy as a scary person who would check every decision with the Pope. Then, fast forward to today where we have ole Rick Santorum saying that all of his governance, if elected, would conform to his Catholic faith and the hard right that supports him cheers….ah….irony is lost on the idiots on the right…but it sure makes me laugh at times….

Rick Santorum is just a liar…

Well…I’m not going to write this one just yet…but, your jaw will drop when I get back from the bike ride, get lunch on, and come back to finish this one….okay, I’m back and I am just astounded on how the media is allowing ole Rick to just spout utter nonsense on the campaign trail without calling him out on it….let’s forget about his insinuation that Obama is like Hitler for the time being and focus on his latest outrage that states that Obama and his health care plan will result in active killing of elderly people who are ill and don’t want to die…and he cites the experience of the Netherlands since they passed a law allow for doctors to help people in the end stages of their lives to die with dignity. Santorum goes on to cite statistics and “facts” that are completely false that were sourced from extremely dubious sources that feed the right wing lie machine like tens of thousands of the elderly there wearing bracelets that say “don’t kill me”. First, there is no connection between the Netherlands and the US and there never has been other than they have better health care there that is a single payer system….and second, every source in the Netherlands that has been contacted to try to find one of these bracelets has come up empty…not one has been found…and not one person has been put do death against his will…not one, Rick….go back to your lobbying and feeding on the misery of others to make your millions…we don’t need to elect a pope that lies to America every time you open your mouth….

Oh….I tried to do this one justice but to get a better take on it, and one of my many sources for this one came from Glenn Kessler in the “Fact Checker” column in the Washington Post…he has all of the stats that Santorum lied about…and it is even worse how Glen describes….geez….

Don’t know where to start with ole Rick…

Well…I have been getting behind in doing these and it is probably because I have been worrying about money so much…but, that’s not your problem and I guess I’ll just have to deal with it…..and I really did want to get one out on ole Rick Santorum since he is just one of the most ridiculous politicians I have ever seen…it’s like a mutation has taken over the right of the repub party and that is what they are left with…a bible spouting judgment freak who has said openly he will bring religion into all aspects of governing…never mind that he continues to advocate “returning” to a strict reading of the constitution that would forbid that type of nonsense…and that there are over 30 percent of the country that either are not his brand of Christian or the 15% of us have no faith at all…what does he propose…that people be forced to agree with religious decisions that are made by the government? Just another incidence where the right screams that Obama is “taking away our freedoms” and then will do so much more to punish those they don’t agree with….just go away, Rick….and make more millions off of the government you seem to hate so much…geez…