Well….just a short one to take on the latest, ongoing ridiculousness that is the repub party these days….this one has come to a head with ole Rick Santorum saying yesterday that the use of teleprompters by any candidate should be illegal….nevermind that in the same breath he attacks government interference, and that ole Newt has challenged Obama to three hour debates where no teleprompters would be allowed….Ignoring the fact that teleprompters have never been used in any debate….but the real nugget here is the fact that the repubs think that having the ability to memorize is the same thing as intelligence, and the fact that the dems have complex, nuanced, ideas that they want to get right is now a bad thing? I guess it would be easy to not need a teleprompter if your most complex ideas are “drill baby drill, or bomb, bomb Iran”….geez….
Here’s one last thought on gas prices….since the repubs are the largest beneficiaries of the oil companies campaign donations and they would benefit mightily by the repubs taking the presidency….wouldn’t you do everything in your power, if you were an oil company, to make sure prices continue to rise…like shut down two oil refineries this year along with restricting oil production? They’ve tried this nonsense before…and they will try it again…