Well…I have been getting behind in doing these and it is probably because I have been worrying about money so much…but, that’s not your problem and I guess I’ll just have to deal with it…..and I really did want to get one out on ole Rick Santorum since he is just one of the most ridiculous politicians I have ever seen…it’s like a mutation has taken over the right of the repub party and that is what they are left with…a bible spouting judgment freak who has said openly he will bring religion into all aspects of governing…never mind that he continues to advocate “returning” to a strict reading of the constitution that would forbid that type of nonsense…and that there are over 30 percent of the country that either are not his brand of Christian or the 15% of us have no faith at all…what does he propose…that people be forced to agree with religious decisions that are made by the government? Just another incidence where the right screams that Obama is “taking away our freedoms” and then will do so much more to punish those they don’t agree with….just go away, Rick….and make more millions off of the government you seem to hate so much…geez…