February 20th

Well…it was a day yesterday with the Wings winning again but I didn’t do much except kind of veg here…it’s the no cash thing raring it’s ugly head again and that is going to mean no coffee again this morning so the topics may be a little limited with only the online papers to read…it was a cocktail night last night so I feel a little slow today but I am trying to get going….no dreams to speak of and I am dreading looking at the phone…I may have sent a couple of texts that I will regret this morning…I do need to work on the self control….oh, well…I hope T lets it go but I haven’t heard from her this morning so It may have been weird….not much to do today…just going to clean and get a few other things done around here…I will get caught up later today but right now I’m going to just veg for a few….more later…

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