Well…I’m not sure what is going on in my head today but I’ve had quite a few ideas that I wanted to get down…and that is unusual to say the least, but bear with me…this one might just be worth it…I’m one of the people left in the US that still sees the importance of at least knowing history to make useful connections or see the irony that is frequently contained in it. I say this because I’m old enough to remember the furor over John Kennedy’s faith in the 1960 election; people then were concerned then that Rome and the Pope would call the shots through a Catholic president and the repubs used his Catholicism to try to paint Kennedy as a scary person who would check every decision with the Pope. Then, fast forward to today where we have ole Rick Santorum saying that all of his governance, if elected, would conform to his Catholic faith and the hard right that supports him cheers….ah….irony is lost on the idiots on the right…but it sure makes me laugh at times….