Tag Archives: national debt

How does Romney keep getting away with it?

Well…I know I’ve talked about this at length over the past couple of months…or even longer…the months kind of run together when I’m trying to keep up with the lies coming out of the Romney campaign…but, here we go again with the latest one…in a speech given the other day, ole Mitt has a new talking point that he is trying out called “Obama’s prairie fire of debt” that tries to assert that the deficits and the national debt is all Obama’s fault and his policies will be the cause of much more if he is reelected. But, again, ole Mitt is using the repub playbook and trying to create his own “facts” that have been roundly criticized by all of the non-partisan organizations that look into these economic claims…I just get to the point and call them lies…baldfaced lies that Romney is using to try to dupe the independents that this election will turn on into believing he is not just George Bush…again. First…let’s start with his claim that the deficits will continue to rise under Obama… there are so many experts out there that have no political axe to grind who have looked at the facts and have agreed with me and called this a blunt lie. Then, they go on to score the Romney proposals of more and more tax cuts for the rich and find that his proposals will INCREASE the debt by over 5 trillion dollars over 10 years….now, I do struggle at math at times but no increase in the debt is a better thing than an increase of 5 trillion, right? I am at a loss to why the media just doesn’t post a disclaimer every time that ole Mitt tries these lies…something like “these assertions have been found to be untrue”…instead of treating the lies with the same gravity that should be reserved for the truth. Mitt should be ashamed….geez….