Well…I don’t know where to start about this one…I’ve never seen one person be so wrong every time he opens his mouth and still have a job….he’s at it again this morning in the Detroit News where he spend his whole column venting his vitriol against Obama and then recommends that the pres read nonsense to change his economic policy…to start he gives us the old repub lie that the stimulus was all spending of almost 800 billion dollars and it was wasted since it didn’t get the economy moving as fast as it should…but what ole Manny and the rest of the repoub liars continue to ignore is that almost half of the stimulus package was tax cuts…so, I’ll ask this again, Manny….do tax cuts work to spur the economy or don’t they? The media continues to give you a pass on this hypocrisy when the Bush tax cuts did not create one job, not one, and now you want the president to keep doing more of that? You have no standing to give advice to anyone when you continue to believe in the voodoo economics that put us in this mess we are in…geez…