Tag Archives: Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee IS the village idiot…

Well…I know you’ve heard all the just frickin nuts things that ole Huck has said over the past few months but yesterday just vaulted him into village idiot status when he took issue with Black Lives Matter activists and their tactics, saying that MLK would not approve of them…and then going into the right’s talking point that “all lives matter” and that no lives are any more special than any other. Where have you been living, Huck? In your bubble of white privilege, you just can’t understand what the problem is…after all, no one is trying to take black people’s vote away…oh, wait, yes you are….no one is jailing black people on trumped up charges or murdering them …oh, wait, yes you are….and there are no overt racists in your party that will do anything to ensure that blacks are second-class citizens…oh, wait, yes there are. MLK would be standing as he did through the 50′s and 60′s…standing up to the entrenched racism in this country, standing up for equal rights and opportunity for all…and that is what BLM is doing now…what do you expect, Huck? You and your ilk have treated minorities in this country like crap forever…do you expect them to just take it? I applaud the work of BLM for shining sunlight on the racists and racism in this country…keep up the good work BLM!

Mike Huckabee is still an idiot…

Well…I am just amazed at the crap that comes out of this guy’s mouth…if he is not comparing the “oppression” of Christians in the US to the Holocaust, he is going off about what he will do if he is elected president…and that includes ramming his religion down everyone’s throat. The latest this frickin idiot spewed is that, when president, he will use the army and the FBI to go after and lock up anyone who performs abortions in the US…nevermind that using the army on US soil is illegal and that abortion is still legal…he thinks that any president can pick and choose what supreme court rulings he has to follow….I wonder if he understands the oath of office that includes “to protect the constitution”? Nope…but the good thing is, he will NEVER be president…what an ass…geez…

This guy is running for president?

Well….I marvel at the ignorance of those on the right about the constitution they profess to revere almost every day…but, that marveling has reached a new level with the latest nonsense to come out of Mike Huckabee….the idiot from Kansas. With the tide of marriage equality rolling across the country, mostly driven by courts that find the the 14th amendment to the constitution means that equal protection applies to everyone, ole Huck came out the other day with a statement that says the way he understands the constitution, states don’t have to follow the rulings of the courts…especially federal courts and can go their own way on marriage equality. Now, this is not the first time these idiots on the right think that the states can pick and choose what federal laws or court rulingsĀ  they have to follow…the answer is all of them….but, to have a supposed presidential candidate come out and say that he still believes in “nullification”, a doctrine that was outlawed by the supreme court in the 1800′s, shows that he is in no way qualified by temperment or judgement to be president in any world but the delusional one that the right lives in. I am still shaking my head at the stupidity of these folks….geez…

Are there topics?

Well…have been doing a few things around here but have, thankfully, not thought much about topics to write today..I do know that I have used this computer so much since I got it that I have worn the paint off the e, d and almost the c keys and there are times that I forget where they are and have to think about it..but, not now…just wanted to comment on the statements that ole Mike Huckabee made the other day, addressing some repub meeting or something…this idiot just can’t keep his mouth shut about women…something that the paternalistic idiots on the right all have a problem with…this nutjob came out and said that women vote democratic because government is the “sugar daddy” that provides them with free birth control…now, this is so wrong on so many levels that it is hard to chose which to comment on…I do want to say “WTF”…providing a medication that does so much for women’s health and gives them the opportunity to control their reproduction is now only to get their votes? What the hell else do we expect from these idiots on the right who think the only value women have is to be baby factories and anything that interferes with that is against the will of god? I have really, really had enough of hearing from any of these morons…geez…


Well…it’s 3:16 and I still can’t think about anything to comment on for the day…at least political stuff and that is starting to get frustrating…again…I have been reading about the repub craziness that has been spreading across the country…what is it about them that allows them to say any damn thing they want without any regard for whether it is the truth or not? We have ole Michelle Bachmann today saying that Obama wants Obamacare implemented so it will increase his personal power and control over the economy…now let’s do a little math…the latest change that will allow companies another year before they have to start paying fines or offering coverage is now set to take effect at the end of 2015..a year before Obama leaves office…so exactly what power does this change confer on him? Is he going to take over the insurance companies after he leaves office? Craziness, craziness…

Then, we have ole Mike Huckabee comparing womens rights to control their body to slavery…and since we eliminated slavery on moral grounds…then, we must eliminate abortion on those same moral grounds…yep, not making this up..this could even be a plan…to drive the crazy so far out that when they pull back to only delusional it will seem reasonable…I think it is our responsibility as being the reasonable party to make sure that even when this happens, to make sure they don’t get a pass on the crazy like the media is allowing right now….geez….

Mike Huckabee loves life?

Well…I just had to comment on the screed that ole Mike delivered to the Iowa right to force birth the other day…this guy is so far out there now that he compared the legal medical procedure of abortion that women choose to the Holocaust…I’m pretty sure that the Jews that were killed didn’t choose to be killed….and while this is the usual nonsense that runs through the crazy forced religion right that we hear all the time…ole Mike stepped it up in the next breath by being proud that he sent 16 times more people to be executed than any other governor of Kansas…I think it was Kansas anyway….but the utter nonsense he spewed is trumped by the whole idea behind the speech…that it is perfectly fine for the government to intervene in womens lives to stop abortion…but it is the worst thing in the world for government to try to make affordable healthcare available to it’s citizens…just another typical repub doing what they do…advocating using the government to take away freedom from people to further their crazy assed political or religious ends….geez…

Mike Huckabee is the worst person in the world…

Well…after the tragedy in CT, most people showed restraint on their comments…but not the idiot Huckabee…within an hour after the event..ole Mike was all over the airwaves with his assessment that the tragedy was caused by “taking god out of the schools”…not by a mentally ill person with easy access to guns…nope, it was payback from god because we don’t worship him the right way. What a load of crap….so, god is so powerless that he can’t enter schools because the government says he can’t? I am stunned by the opportunism showed by this supposed “man of god”…trying top push his right wing, christo-fascist nightmare on the country on the backs of murdered children….at the very least he owes this country and the victims of this tragedy an apology…at the best he will go away and we will never have to hear his nonsense again…geez…