Well….I marvel at the ignorance of those on the right about the constitution they profess to revere almost every day…but, that marveling has reached a new level with the latest nonsense to come out of Mike Huckabee….the idiot from Kansas. With the tide of marriage equality rolling across the country, mostly driven by courts that find the the 14th amendment to the constitution means that equal protection applies to everyone, ole Huck came out the other day with a statement that says the way he understands the constitution, states don’t have to follow the rulings of the courts…especially federal courts and can go their own way on marriage equality. Now, this is not the first time these idiots on the right think that the states can pick and choose what federal laws or court rulingsĀ they have to follow…the answer is all of them….but, to have a supposed presidential candidate come out and say that he still believes in “nullification”, a doctrine that was outlawed by the supreme court in the 1800′s, shows that he is in no way qualified by temperment or judgement to be president in any world but the delusional one that the right lives in. I am still shaking my head at the stupidity of these folks….geez…