Mike Huckabee is the worst person in the world…

Well…after the tragedy in CT, most people showed restraint on their comments…but not the idiot Huckabee…within an hour after the event..ole Mike was all over the airwaves with his assessment that the tragedy was caused by “taking god out of the schools”…not by a mentally ill person with easy access to guns…nope, it was payback from god because we don’t worship him the right way. What a load of crap….so, god is so powerless that he can’t enter schools because the government says he can’t? I am stunned by the opportunism showed by this supposed “man of god”…trying top push his right wing, christo-fascist nightmare on the country on the backs of murdered children….at the very least he owes this country and the victims of this tragedy an apology…at the best he will go away and we will never have to hear his nonsense again…geez…

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