Tag Archives: contraception

Are there topics?

Well…have been doing a few things around here but have, thankfully, not thought much about topics to write today..I do know that I have used this computer so much since I got it that I have worn the paint off the e, d and almost the c keys and there are times that I forget where they are and have to think about it..but, not now…just wanted to comment on the statements that ole Mike Huckabee made the other day, addressing some repub meeting or something…this idiot just can’t keep his mouth shut about women…something that the paternalistic idiots on the right all have a problem with…this nutjob came out and said that women vote democratic because government is the “sugar daddy” that provides them with free birth control…now, this is so wrong on so many levels that it is hard to chose which to comment on…I do want to say “WTF”…providing a medication that does so much for women’s health and gives them the opportunity to control their reproduction is now only to get their votes? What the hell else do we expect from these idiots on the right who think the only value women have is to be baby factories and anything that interferes with that is against the will of god? I have really, really had enough of hearing from any of these morons…geez…

The right is still delusional…

Well…as every day goes by, I have more and more hope that the right will continue is descent into the delusions they have been experiencing since the start of the primary season. The latest in this long list is the idea that, if re-elected, Obama will “wage war” on the Catholic church and somehow cause an institution that has survived for almost 2,000 years to disappear…whether is should or not is not a topic for today but when it and it’s supporters on the right coordinate attacks on Obama for a reasonable rule on contraception saying that as a matter of faith, the Catholic institutions should not have to abide by rules that are already the law of the land in over 30 states, it is the right that is denigrating religion by cynically using it as a ploy for political advantage. So, the right, who wraps itself in the Constitution on a daily basis thinks every law should be subject to a matter of faith; only following those that match their religious beliefs? I defy them to find that kind of nonsense in the Constitution…since the founding of this country, people have been free to practice whatever religion they see fit but never has religion trumped the law of the land…and this comes from the party of laws against Sharia and it’s use in the legal system…but, we all know they would love to have the US become a theocracy…just like the Muslim countries they love to hate…geez…

As a moderate progressive who wants this country to succeed for everyone, I just hope they keep this nonsense up all the way to their convention…by then, they will have shown their true colors to the independents and other moderates that will swing the election and we will send all of these crazies home for another 4 years and maybe get back to making an America for all Americans, not just the wealthy and connected…

A great reason for universal healthcare…

Well…during this whole contraception nonsense that has been roiling the waters in DC over the past couple of weeks, one thing that gets lost is the fact that it is the system of healthcare and insurance that is employer provided that is causing the problem. The patchwork of the types of employers from straight business to religious based organizations and making rules that fit all of them just raises costs for everyone in part because that patchwork requires many more regulators and administrators than a Medicare for all plan would do…and, as I’ve said many times before and that studies have shown, the overhead costs of Medicare for all is around 9% of the program; not the almost 30% that private insurance costs. There is one more thing that most people who have jobs and insurance don’t understand…that when you get older like me, employers won’t hire our cadre since they think it will inflate their healthcare costs…something that could be taken away if there was a single payer system…then we could be hired on our merits, not on an age issue that we have no control over….geez…

Okay…I did want to add one last thing…nothing to do with politics but it WAS Joe Walsh on the Grammys Sun night…it wasn’t just a cocktail induced haze….yay…going out to see if I can find the actual footage….

The boredom is crushing…

Well…it has been a crushingly boring day today so I’m back to just do anything to get my brain working again…I’m just not a basketball fan but that is the only thing that is on…I’ve even read the paper twice already so that is done for the day and it is only 3…and it is 4 1/2 more hours until the Wings come on…there has been no help on the political side, either, so I can’t really report anything there…so, what to do? I’ve got the Post up on another tab so maybe I’ll go over there and look for a minute…okay, I’m back from there and I could write one about the whole contraception controversy…one of the things that I find startling is that all of the repub candidates are against women’s contraception…how can this be in 2012? How can the party of limited government want to take away a basic right from 50% of the population? I guess it’s because they always want to limit the rights of people they don’t agree with….and that, I think, is the problem with the repubs these days…when they get elected, they only govern for those who voted for them…they lack the big vision necessary for such a complex country but also continue with the damn doom and gloom every day…I just don’t want to hear it anymore…geez…