Well…have been doing a few things around here but have, thankfully, not thought much about topics to write today..I do know that I have used this computer so much since I got it that I have worn the paint off the e, d and almost the c keys and there are times that I forget where they are and have to think about it..but, not now…just wanted to comment on the statements that ole Mike Huckabee made the other day, addressing some repub meeting or something…this idiot just can’t keep his mouth shut about women…something that the paternalistic idiots on the right all have a problem with…this nutjob came out and said that women vote democratic because government is the “sugar daddy” that provides them with free birth control…now, this is so wrong on so many levels that it is hard to chose which to comment on…I do want to say “WTF”…providing a medication that does so much for women’s health and gives them the opportunity to control their reproduction is now only to get their votes? What the hell else do we expect from these idiots on the right who think the only value women have is to be baby factories and anything that interferes with that is against the will of god? I have really, really had enough of hearing from any of these morons…geez…