Well…I know you’ve heard all the just frickin nuts things that ole Huck has said over the past few months but yesterday just vaulted him into village idiot status when he took issue with Black Lives Matter activists and their tactics, saying that MLK would not approve of them…and then going into the right’s talking point that “all lives matter” and that no lives are any more special than any other. Where have you been living, Huck? In your bubble of white privilege, you just can’t understand what the problem is…after all, no one is trying to take black people’s vote away…oh, wait, yes you are….no one is jailing black people on trumped up charges or murdering them …oh, wait, yes you are….and there are no overt racists in your party that will do anything to ensure that blacks are second-class citizens…oh, wait, yes there are. MLK would be standing as he did through the 50′s and 60′s…standing up to the entrenched racism in this country, standing up for equal rights and opportunity for all…and that is what BLM is doing now…what do you expect, Huck? You and your ilk have treated minorities in this country like crap forever…do you expect them to just take it? I applaud the work of BLM for shining sunlight on the racists and racism in this country…keep up the good work BLM!